Life of Love with Julie Hilsen

Secrets of the Universe Intertwined with Tales of Love

Julie Hilsen/JoAnn Fawcett Season 3 Episode 4

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When the extraordinary Joann Fawcett graced the microphone, she didn't just bring stories of love and loss; she brought with her an otherworldly wisdom that defies the ordinary ebbs and flows of marriage and personal growth. Her heartrending journey through multiple marriages, culminating in a profound connection with her seventh husband - a man she believes is innocently incarcerated - reveals the strength found in letting go for the sake of mutual well-being. Joann's life took a turn for the cosmic when she stepped into a surprising role within the UFO community, advocating for open-mindedness in the face of life's most mysterious possibilities.

Our conversation soared into the realms of extraterrestrial life, shedding light on the raptor-like beings who have allegedly been entwined with human history and secret military cooperatives since the 1950s. Imagine a species with a penchant for chocolate and opera stealthily shaping our world's narrative. Joanne and I share tales of these hidden influencers and their subtle hand in Earth's affairs, offering a peek into a universe filled with peaceful, dog-like traders and a broader galactic society. Opening our hearts to kindness may just be the invitation these advanced lifeforms are waiting for, to step out of the shadows of our fears and into the light of our curiosity.

To round off this interstellar symposium, we ponder the unwavering resilience of the human spirit. Touching on the lessons learned from those behind bars, we uncover a poignant truth: within every soul lies the potential for redemption and spiritual rebirth. We weave these threads into a grand tapestry that calls for unity with all beings, inviting ancient wisdom to guide us through modern tribulations and encouraging us to look to Earth's eldest guardians for ecological salvation. Join us for a discussion that spans the cosmos, yet finds its roots in the most human of experiences—love, transformation, and an unyielding search for truth.

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Julie Hilsen:

Hello, dear friends, and welcome to another episode of Life of Love, where we celebrate the everyday and the magic that we can weave in and the curiosity that brings our life to this wonderful conglomeration of everything spiritual and earthly and anything in between, which I'm so excited because we have a brand new topic for Life of Love and I want everyone to just tune in with an open heart and take what serves you and leave what doesn't. I'm really excited to explore this. It's something that's dear to my heart and something that I feel is coming more and more to the surface and with our open hearts, it's a great way to feel connected and it's another evidence of how we are all connected. So I'm really excited to introduce Joanne Fawcett.

Julie Hilsen:

She is a woman of wisdom, she's a warrior and I want her to explain why she tells people that she's a warrior, because you can look at her and you can tell she has a great spirit, but I don't know. I mean, how's she fighting? I want to hear. I know that she has fought for love because she's had many relationships and she's had tests of faith and she grew up in California. She currently lives in Oregon and she's a grandmother and there's always happy endings and everything happens in synchronicity and perfect timing. So that's another testament to her life of love and what she wants to share with us. But now her current husband is in a situation that you wouldn't expect and she's going to share how they were brought together. And, joanne, I'm just really excited. Thank you for being on Life of Love.

JoAnn Fawcett:

I'm so delighted to have you Well thank you for having me, and he's actually an ex now.

Julie Hilsen:

Oh, you guys got to see I didn't read the whole book, yeah, but that's okay, we came together for a reason and now we're not together. Well, that's a good lesson of love, because sometimes it feels perfect, and then, when it doesn't serve both parties, your contract may be up, and so it's a healthy way. You don't have to stick with it just because you started it.

JoAnn Fawcett:

Right, it was a long road, but I realized it needed to stop.

Julie Hilsen:

Well, I can't wait to get into it. You were married several times and I don't want you to have to go through all this. Every single relationship. Tell me what drew you to your last husband, and then love opens you up to different possibilities and different insights. So then you can share how you opened your mind to this very dear topic of mine.

JoAnn Fawcett:

Okay Well number one, he was husband number seven, so we'll just put it out there because I'm not ashamed. And he's in prison for a crime I believe he did not commit, and one and I my roommate at that time and we met in like 1997 and my roommate at the time came home and said I met this guy, he's a friend of my husband's and he was there visiting his mom and he's really smart and I was thinking, okay, smart would be a new kind of boyfriend for me. Would you like to meet him? I said sure, why not? And I'd already been to visit people at prison. So that didn't. You know. Going to prison was not terrifying because the visiting room is very friendly for the most part. I've only seen one incident in there, but anyway, that's another story. Anyway. So we started writing, we wrote for a couple of months and he called like once and I was approved to visit and then I guess Thanksgiving weekend of 1997. I went and saw him for the first time and cut my time short with my family and they were not happy. But it's like oh, I got a date with this guy. Oh, yeah, he's at prison, what? But it is what it is. So we met and we basically courted for five years and I got married and we were together 25 years and we just divorced in May of 2023. But so we were married a little over 20 years and, like you said, it was really good until I realized it wasn't, and so that was a hard decision because I didn't realize that I needed to get out until I realized it.

JoAnn Fawcett:

But, yeah, his job in the military as much as his. Well, he and his father, their jobs in the military were mostly to deal with aliens and UFOs and space travel and what was going on with that, and so the ex had been around aliens since he was a little kid because he would go with his dad to things and his dad there was this. I know aliens have been coming to visit the planet for thousands of years and definitely I know there's beliefs that they've been visiting humans, especially lately, like since the 20s and 30s, and presidents in the 30s and his dad started working with a specific species in like 1952 when that species landed here, and so we do have certain species that are our allies and work with our military. So you know, that's the kind of world that the ex grew up in and it's just. You know, that's what he knows.

JoAnn Fawcett:

And eventually not right away, but eventually I started finding out. You know he was giving me things to read and reports that I could possibly sell. I had a publishing company for a little while and it's like, okay, what do you mean? You've been to space, what do you mean? There's these cool aliens out there and it was interesting.

JoAnn Fawcett:

And in 2004, he had said, well, why don't you? You know there's a UFO conference going to happen in the Bay Area, california, and I go, okay, I'll go. And it's like my mind was blown open and by the next year I had enough stuff that he'd written about that I could have my own booth. So you know that that took on a life of its own and I had already formed a nonprofit and I started speaking on the radio and at conferences and until COVID I was speaking at least once or twice a year at different conferences here in the US and over in England. It got me like I took five trips to England. One was vacation, but four of them were because I was speaking at conferences. So I love it.

Julie Hilsen:

Oh, my goodness. And while that is so exciting and I'm just blown away that the synchronicities brought us together because I'll look at in the sky at night and I'll be, I'll be like I know that there's peace in the sky, like I can feel the peace radiating from the stars and I know that there's, there's a supportive element up there, because I feel it when I look up. Good, good, because it's not always peaceful up there.

JoAnn Fawcett:

Right, there are things like certain species do war with each other, but you know there are, there are a lot of species who who would like regular contact with us and who would love to have us be part of a galactic community, and I just think that would be wonderful. I keep telling people I want to have a place where big enough, where things can land and people can shoot in through portals and we can all just have tea and talk about our lives. And you know, and I, you know I've been told that I'm supposed to teach especially a certain I think it's the Pleiadians, but a certain group. I'm supposed to like teach them about humans. You know what it's like to be human and stuff, and and I, I'm fascinated with many species. So I've got a lot to learn. I mean, I know quite a bit, but I, you know there's always more to learn and you know what better way to just sit down and have tea and, you know, shoot the breeze.

Julie Hilsen:

Right, Well, that's, I'm just. I'm just, my mind is spinning. So you, you met this man through a friend and he was in prison when you met. He's still in prison.

JoAnn Fawcett:

He was in prison when I met. He was in prison the whole time we were married. He's still there. He may never get out because of they never yeah, okay.

Julie Hilsen:

So what can I ask? What? Why, yeah, why, like what he's implicated in, he was Um he was.

JoAnn Fawcett:

What am I saying? He was charged and convicted with masterminding a murder that happened in Northern California in 1982. The kids that did it said that he masterminded the whole thing and then helped them dump the body. And he maintains that he didn't and wasn't there. And I believe him and I've read all the transcripts.

JoAnn Fawcett:

I didn't know him when that happened, but you know, I've read all the stuff. You know I had talked to his mom when she was still alive and read a lot of notes and it's just, it was all circumstantial evidence against him and, um, you know, there was no actual evidence that he was at the scene of the crime and, like the, the kid that was there, you know, actually left bloody hand prints and things. So it's like, you know, it's just really hard to believe that he actually did it. And you know I kind of I shouldn't joke, but I joke that you know he's so Really trained from the military that he wouldn't have used teenagers to help him that didn't know what they were doing and he would have known how to hide a body if he, you know, if he was going to kill somebody, the body, you know the body they put the body in the, the, the bay there, and it would float it up and it's like he would have never let that happen.

Julie Hilsen:

So sounds like you'd have been a better defense attorney than he has.

JoAnn Fawcett:

His attorney did not do a good job and you can see that in the trial grants transcript. So it's like, yeah, it was terrible. So it's it's not funny, but you know it's like I have to. You know that's the way I deal with it.

Julie Hilsen:

You have to release it in some way. I understand I deal with traumatic things like that too, and it's not to be little or make light of it, it's just a way to process. Oh my goodness, so did it take a while for him to talk about the intergalactic connections, or was that something that drew you to him?

JoAnn Fawcett:

Well, it took a few. It took a few years. I knew he was working on a big family manuscript. So he's got like thousands of pages written about his family's history and weaving it together with world history and cars and politics and you know everything that was going on from like the thirties on into you know kind of current day and weaving that into what was happening in the UFO world. And then he doesn't write about stuff because he was in the US military and then there's also a, or there was an international military intelligence agency that dealt with worldwide threats or threats against the whole planet.

JoAnn Fawcett:

And so he's written several reports about, like when they were in charge or when he was working for them, type of thing. So there's certain things he can't talk about and then he won't, and then certain things that he's basically had permission to talk about and that he does. And then I, you know he would write it up and then I would go talk about it. So and there's still, you know, there's like information about treaty conferences here on the planet and and different space battles that he and his dad were involved with and you know invasion fleets coming to earth in the seventies. It's like, huh, I was so oblivious to all of that and you know none of who knew it's like. You know you weren't supposed to know that we were, you know. You know, in the brink of you know, the snap of a finger, you earth could have been wiped out, or at least all of us on earth could have been wiped out, if they hadn't have succeeded Right.

Julie Hilsen:

And you mentioned there are. There are extra-triceratical species who want to help us. Can you expand?

JoAnn Fawcett:

There are there are, and sure, I mean there. There are several friendly species that I love talking about, and there's probably more that I don't know a lot about, but I mean there is a. If you've ever seen Jurassic World, the Velociraptor in there is is the. The species that his dad met in 1952 and they became friends and because that species had their Empress, had decided well, it's time to see if we can get along with the humans and work with them, because up until then they'd been eating us and you know whatever. So but they decided that you know they, they were meant to try working with us and since 1952, they have been working with our militaries. And so because they originated on this planet and some of them still are here, but they had left, most of them had left the planet, you know, millions of years ago to colonize space and they have a vast empire out in space.

JoAnn Fawcett:

But they're they're so cool, I mean they still look like a dinosaur. They've got beautiful leather and different colorings in their leather and a lovely tail and they are really fast runners and they're highly educated and they believe in the strong family life and some of them, if they've had to, if they've lived on earth, they have learned to like certain human foods. They'll like ice cream and soda and candy. They love chocolate, so lots of things. Maybe that's probably not very good for them, but they also like to eat live food. So hopefully you'll have a flock of sheep or some deer hanging around if they're going to come to visit. But they're, you know, really good at military strategy. They love opera and art and they love bling, you know they love, you know, silky stuff and jewelry, and so they're just, they're just fascinating to me and you know their, their babies are just so cute. I mean they can their killers the minute they hatch.

JoAnn Fawcett:

But yeah, I mean they're, they're born with really sharp teeth and they're. They're born to run and hunt, so they know that's what they do and so they're. They're just really fascinating to me. But their, their empire is run by an empress and they have a whole social I mean. They have like a Senate, they have a political structure, but it's each family's. You know, every now and then the families will kind of well, my daughter should be the emperor, so you'll have civil wars trying to put somebody new on the throne.

JoAnn Fawcett:

Yeah, the throne, yeah, the current empress is somebody that my husband met, or ex-husband, when he was like seven at a conference in England, and she was, you know, she was like a teenager then and she's now been the empress for quite a while. I don't know, I don't know exactly how old she is, cause we're, you know we're 69, 70. So she, you know she could be, you know, like 80 to 90 in human years and but they live to be several hundred years old. So she, she's been on the throne for quite a while and she's, she's a force to be reckoned with. I, I respect her so much.

Julie Hilsen:

I think it's not just a story from him. It sounds like you have a visual. Is it? Is it your goal?

JoAnn Fawcett:

I have never seen her in person. I, um, I sometimes get little messages from her through my, my guides that I, you know, work with, and I know that I have a spirit guide who is a raptor, sorceress, who's an old, an old lady and she lives in England with some other ones. But, um, you know, I've heard her talk to me once but I just I get little snippets and also I talk with with my guides to, um, a former partner of the exes and you know she was around them a lot as well when he was.

Julie Hilsen:

So yeah, so I get a lot of information.

JoAnn Fawcett:

And why do you?

Julie Hilsen:

think England is a hotbed.

JoAnn Fawcett:

For that particular branch of raptors. A lot of them that's where their family had had been, you know, when they were on the planet. A lot of them had Brent been in the British Isles and you know they'll go there Whether they're there as a tourist or whether they're there for a conference. You know he's got stories of like taking some of the kids around to where there's fossils and things, that the southern coast is called the Jurassic Coast and there's a lot of fossils there and there's even fossils up in Scotland and stuff. So there it's just Be like me going to England and finding where my family's from. So they just, they just want to. You know they feel that connection to their when, their family.

Julie Hilsen:

Humans can see them, or do they cloak themselves so they fit in? I'm just trying to figure out they don't.

JoAnn Fawcett:

They don't really know, they don't cloak themselves as far as I know. So yes, if they're meant to be like, for example, when he was there with a kid, and when he was there as a kid he got to hang out with the children of different species, so they'd go in like big cars or big vans and go on all these outings. So you know he was interacting with them, just like you and I are talking. Now other people, because usually, like, especially in the 60s, the, the British government and the British military Could close off a manor house or a castle or wherever they needed to have these meetings. So the public was not going to drive up.

JoAnn Fawcett:

In England, if you've ever been there, they've got really long driveways to a lot of these places. So the, the public just gets cuts off, you know. And if you're standing there at the end of the driver with big guns or whatever it's like, I'm just imagining that you're just, you're just not gonna wander on to the property. So back then it was a lot easier. Now they kind of have to have them in locations Maybe, where people aren't gonna see them. But yes, if you were at a conference, you know the human delegates would see the alien delegates. So yeah, it's pretty many and there were hundreds. There were hundreds of them. So yeah, it's cool.

Julie Hilsen:

I mean I wasn't there, but I think it's cool in this whole UFO community. They meet on a regular basis to share and update. Are you familiar with the cobra transmissions?

JoAnn Fawcett:

No, and it's funny because I haven't listened to any of the hearings that when they do these congressional hearings, I don't, I don't even bother, because the government's just not gonna admit To the whole depth of really what's going on, because the the government's been working with them for years so but they're not gonna really well, the files they released, like three years ago, that big freedom of information act and they fought and I got online to look at what they but it was hard to read like it was very Dim and a lot of it was scratched out, you know, like chicken scratch writing and and I really you know there's some pictures.

Julie Hilsen:

I was like, yeah, that could be something. You know, have you seen that movie Paul, the Martian movie Paul? No, I never have. I keep meaning and yeah, just very endearing his relationship with the humans and and and the whole thing. So I wondered if anything that your ex told you paralleled that's that movie, paul.

JoAnn Fawcett:

Yeah, we never discussed it. No, he really likes that. We really, we both of us really like the Jurassic World movies because they're they're even more realistic than the Jurassic Park movies, you know, the old ones, and it's like and and the Raptors look just like they are in the Jurassic World movie. So, yeah, it's pretty and I I'm pretty sure they kind of helped finance those.

Julie Hilsen:

Yeah, I believe that they're. There's intergalactic, because they're even in the Marvel movies. It's just like you know it's just so.

Julie Hilsen:

It's so powerful, the spiritual messages, if you really know to look for it, and In the stones, how they use the stones, and the stones carry these powerful frequencies that we take for granted but are really there. I I'm just Do you have you had the experience where you can connect with the intergalactic to ask for assistance, like I've heard of the command 1221? You say command 1221, command 1221, command 1221, and there's a team of light forces that are assigned to you at that point Because you've requested them in.

JoAnn Fawcett:

Oh no, I had never heard of that and I Do work with a channeling medium regularly. So I I talked to my guides that way and and again. Some of them Lived hundreds of years ago and, like one of them is a teacher from my one of my past lives and I talked to Again this woman that was one of my ex's partners and we're like best friends now and and again, you know, I've talked to my parents and I've talked to his dad, and and again I'll get, sometimes I'll get, messages from the, the Empress, will you know. I know that she knows who I am and she really respects me, which is a huge. I'm so honored by that.

JoAnn Fawcett:

And and with the channeling medium, we used to meet in person and in groups and stuff, and sometimes Aliens would come in and you know, or their representative would come in and and have, you know, these long discussions with us and that was so fascinating because I, when I was there in person, I, I could, I would, I always like to sit right by the medium because I could just feel that hot energy coming off these beings and it's like, because that's how I know it's really real, because it's like I'm feeling the energy. So and every now and then, you know they, they will come through and Even when I'm just in my zoom sessions with them and you know they'll come through to give messages. So it's it's not always like a dead person, you know, dead human. Sometimes it's Interdimensional species that want to come in and have chats and they might still be very much alive, but they have the ability to work through the medium. So, but I've never. So that's how I I work with you know.

JoAnn Fawcett:

You know things from the other side or things from other dimensions, and and it's like what I was gonna say one thing when I go on my walks, because that's like a meditation for me and I will get a lot of inspiration, so, and I don't, you know it could be coming from anybody, but it's like and I will, for example, I, I do ask through the mediums, like, okay, my team, my guides and my team is like what do you want me to say? Like I told you I gave a talk a couple of weeks ago and it's like what do you want me to say for you? And they gave me some messages. But when I'm going on my walks in my neighborhood and stuff, I sometimes especially when I ask because you need to ask.

JoAnn Fawcett:

The words just flow in. It's like okay, this is how the talk needs to go, this is what I need to say, this is my important beginning, and it's like because I it's like and sometimes I mean, well, that's a whole lot easier than me trying to figure it all out. Could you just tell me what to say, please? So I feel very blessed that they give me that help and they have things they want us to know.

Julie Hilsen:

That was the next thing I was going to ask you, like, what is the permeating message that humanity should receive? I mean, well, the media has been trickling UFO stuff for about six months and sometimes I feel like it's a shiny object, so we don't look at something else because you know it's, it's. So it's so obvious that you're like, well, you know why didn't, why weren't they promoting the UFO stuff when, when all the freedom of information act came out? Because this, this has been going on Like why now?

Julie Hilsen:

And then you look at what's happening in the world and you know this war, this war in Israel, and and I've been hearing from my community that there's a victory of the light and there's just a few more dark entities that we need to to expel. And this is like sort of the last stand that that this awfulness is happening in in Israel and Palestine. Both countries are suffering greatly. It's just a side effect of, of the final flush of of of humanity rising, above all the overlays that have been placed on us since these accords have been made and that since the 1940s and 30s and and I have heard about the president making a deal that it was like you know, the president was pushed up against the wall.

JoAnn Fawcett:

Yeah, Lots of lots of treaties. Sure, a lot over the years, lots of treaties. Well, you know, it's interesting because the messages they've asked me to say and it's kind of funny because it's like humans, it's like many of them and not all, but many species would like us to be part of the greater galactic community. You know, I know, okay, just, and this is kind of funny, but there's a lovely dog species that lives on the planet and they may. A lot of species that were here left during COVID because they didn't want to get sick either. But you know they left, but a lot of some of them have come back. But anyway, there's this lovely dog species. They were allowed to have a base in Australia since the treaty conference in 1961.

JoAnn Fawcett:

Their whole purpose in life, basically, is to their, their merchants. So they buy commodities here and export them to space. You know, chocolate, bling, rolex, a lot of fun stuff that the aliens in space want. I know it sounds crazy, but I just love talking about them. Now they just, they just want to interact with us and they would love, they would love for us to be their clients. You know, it's like it's all about commerce and they don't. They don't transport any kidnapped victims or anything. They're very peaceful and they can. They can defend themselves because they have a fleet that will. You know they have ships that will defend their transport ships and stuff. But they just, they just want to be friends and they've been coming here for thousands of years and you know they're really cool and they've got great medical technology, but they just want to sell to us humans. They want to broaden their client base. So I love that.

JoAnn Fawcett:

You know the other ones and there are many species that are very spiritual and I should have grabbed it before I. You know I sat down here but and we'll talk about that in a minute but, like many species want us to be part of the community. But the thing is we need to step up, we, we need to raise our vibrations and our frequency, or how, what, how are we phrase it? You know it's like, but we need, we need to get it together and you know, stop killing each other here on the planet. And you know I just keep telling everybody let's just be kind. You know it's like that. That would have helped my marriage, that would help us with the aliens. You know, let's just be kind and they just want to get along with us and work with us, and can you just imagine what, what a cool place this would be if the aliens could come and go.

JoAnn Fawcett:

You know they love. Many of them love coming here on vacation because this place is so beautiful this earth and many of them do. Or many of them just want to come here and explore. And you know they, they go on vacation and you know I I went on my first cruise in the spring and it's like, well, they go on cruises and it's like so they just want to come here and have fun and get to know us and and and be part of like.

JoAnn Fawcett:

Can you imagine sitting down with a raptor and discussing their spiritual needs? It's like, how cool will that be? I mean they, they do have a belief system that this universe is so abundant and there's enough to go around and everything is connected and everything is unique. And just because you don't have eyes or you don't have ears, you know we're still all connected and we're still all amazing beings, no matter what we look like. And even if we can't talk to each other, you know there's ways to get around the language barrier. There are the fairies that will translate for you and things like that. So it's like there's ways to get around these, these communication barriers.

JoAnn Fawcett:

And I loved the movie what was it called a rival, where there's those pods of like spacecraft that there's like 12 hovering over like 12 locations on the planet. It was several years ago. But and then this linguist you know she's talking to the one that's maybe in the United States and like, remember, it's like in a tank of water and you know she's trying to learn its language because it's got not funny, but just different hands or paws or whatever you want to call it, almost like tentacle things, but it would put it you know tentacles or hands up to the glass, and she was learning, she was learned their language and you know they were trying, they were trying to talk to us and she was trying to figure it out, but you know it was. It was more like, well, you have, you have to. Just, you know, meet them, meet them half way, more than halfway to. You know I get excited about this.

Julie Hilsen:

Yeah, so you're saying if we live well, your heart gives out the most, the highest frequency. So if we live more heart based and try to keep, you know, compassion, non-judgment, that kind of stuff will, and the and the simple task of asking, asking to have signs, asking for synchronicities, that that they could show up. And I've had some people who believe that you know angels. Angels are typically intergalactic beings or it's all part of the same thing. So if you're having a visitation, you know some. I have a friend who had a visitation and she she met an alien. It was a very peaceful situation. I know there's been other things that other people have had experiences. It weren't so kind but, like you said, there's all different things and so do you believe you can align your heart with the, the, the beings of light and kind of stuff.

JoAnn Fawcett:

I do, I don't see, I don't see, why not? You know, it's like, and again it's like a lovely thing that I learned from the ex was he. You know, he was at some of these conferences and he said some of the friendliest were the scariest looking but they were some of the friendliest ones. You know, and even you know Bigfoot, yeti, sasquatch, I mean, that's an alien and you know they come and go and they're interdimensional, but that's an alien, they're an alien species and but it's like, oh, I want to, I want to talk to them.

Julie Hilsen:

It's the same with humans. I mean, you look at some humans and you're like whoa and you talk to them and they're the sweetest teddy bears that you ever met.

JoAnn Fawcett:

It's almost like you'd rather talk to somebody?

Julie Hilsen:

who? Who is like straightforward about their humanity than somebody who's pretending to be so pure and we're not. We're not pure. We all screw up, we all make bad decisions.

JoAnn Fawcett:

I know, I know and you know, and just a small sample about that is like you know, I remember again when I was going to first go, I grew up with okay, if you're in prison, you must be guilty. You know you're a bad person, that you know. Just lock the key, you know. Lock you away, throw away the key. And now, yes, most of the people in prison are there for a reason and they need to be there and they need to learn their lesson. But prison is not it's not very, it's not conducive to rehabilitation.

JoAnn Fawcett:

But I've met some really nice guys along the lines of when I've been visiting the. You know, when I was visiting the ex, I met several of his friends and they're genuinely nice people. Now, unfortunately, you know, they did something bad and they're doing their time and whatever. But you know some of them are really smart and educated and you know this one's taught me a lot about witchcraft and you know these. You know I learned a lot of stuff and it's amazing. You know you just can't throw away the key on somebody's humanity because they might be in prison. And I've also learned you can't always believe everything they say, just because that was turned out to be my experience, but I've met some really nice people. So you can't just judge a book by the cover and assume, and again, just like what you're saying, a free person is the same way I tried to be on the dating apps recently.

JoAnn Fawcett:

It's like, oh, this is awful. And it's like, oh my gosh, they either don't say anything about themselves or you can tell who's scamming you. Or who's like, ok, dude, tell me about that picture. It's like, ok, you weren't even really there. It's like I don't think Milan has an ocean. Thank you very much. I think there's a bay right there, like you know. It's like creepy, creepy, creepy.

Julie Hilsen:

Well, I did want to ask you about I don't I guess I want to, I just want to use the right word. But isn't there like a code, like there needs to be consent or you can say I do not consent to this, or isn't there like an intergalactic code of ethics where if you feel like something isn't serving you, you could say something or give an energy off that it's not of your choice, anything else about?

JoAnn Fawcett:

that I don't know. And again, most of the species that I know about he was dealing with in person. It wasn't, you know, an energetic thing. I do know logistically there are treaties in place where open communication between civilians and aliens are not allowed. It's illegal for both sides. Obviously, the military and government do meet with aliens all over the world. The church leaders of the major churches know all about this stuff. They're just not going to preach it. And again, I have talked to other people who have had personal, you know, interactions with them and like in meditation or whatever, and like what you were saying, and it's really funny to learn that a lot of times in the Bible, for example, it's like they're talking about angels, but they were really aliens.

JoAnn Fawcett:

that were referring to like what you were saying.

Julie Hilsen:

Some of the things and was Jesus was Jesus a Palladian, was Jesus part of that star family and that explains his resurrection, that he went back. You know, like I just love to explore. I'm not saying I don't want to.

JoAnn Fawcett:

No, no, you're fine. I was going to say in the group I was with and even it's like, you know, we've had Jesus come through and he's just like just this cool guy and you know he likes to fish in wherever it is. They're all hanging out, you know, and he's got such great messages and such great wisdom, but it's not like he ever intended to be this great savior type person. And you know, I've had to like rethink and I'm no longer Christian. But I, you know and I don't put anybody down, that is but it's like I've had to rethink my whole. You know what I grew up with.

JoAnn Fawcett:

But we've had discussions with his mom and with Mary Magdalene and I know, yeah, it's so cool and it's like, and it's so funny because for the longest time, even when I was a Mormon, it's like, oh yeah, jesus was married they're just not going to tell you that at church, and he had several wives and he had kids, and so you know he was very human. But he, I think, and so I don't know about his you know, starseed Association, but he was in a scene that's, you know, let his family, what they? I don't know how to describe that, but you know, so that's how he grew up and there's a lot of it seems like magic is the word they would have used, but there's a lot of deeper spirituality than just. You know he never intended to be. You know anybody that somebody would write all these gospels about and you know that's just his purpose was not what they put him out to. You know it's like he he looks, he looks at himself differently than how everybody says he is so, but he's a pretty cool guy and I love hearing.

JoAnn Fawcett:

You know we've heard from a Druid I guess she was a Druid. You know a priestess and you know we've heard from all these other wonderful beings and you know how life was. Is was on this planet and years ago and yeah, it's pretty amazing, and I've probably went off on a tandem. It's beautiful.

Julie Hilsen:

It's just beautiful and you know the moment the the name Jesus has spoken. There's a calmness, there's a, there's a feeling around it. No matter what I mean, it's, it's something. It's pretty cool and you know, the Mary's are just the Mary's are part of just everything near and dear to me, both Mary, all the Mary's and Isis, and oh, just amazing.

JoAnn Fawcett:

His mother, his mother is totally amazing. His mother, mary, yeah, she is like totally amazing. I just, yeah, like I said, I mean I love sitting. You know, when I was able to meet in person with that that group, it's like I loved listening and they still, you know, they're back to meeting in person, I believe, and it's like, oh, we had Ruth Bader Ginsburg come in and was like, oh, I missed it. So they still have cool people coming through and and stuff and they talk about current events. But it's amazing. I you know, yeah, this is this is nothing I grew up learning about or doing or, but I'm I mean I think that there's big.

Julie Hilsen:

You get big signals when you think about movies you really connected with and like ET, I couldn't stop watching ET and I just felt, I just felt for for the characters and what they were going through and the systems that came in to try to to hide that. And you know, you just think about things that that really moved you, and this for a reason.

JoAnn Fawcett:

So it is. And did you, did you, know the movie Abyss? I don't remember exactly. It's the underwater thing. Okay, well, it's like an underwater team and I don't know if they're all military or civilian, and they do like a really deep submersible dive and something's wrong with their, their vehicle. But this one guy who leaves the, the vessel or whatever to you know, go explore or to see what you know, whatever he comes upon, this creature that is. It's not a jellyfish, but it's transparent and it's got all those beautiful lights.

Julie Hilsen:

I do remember the lights. Okay, yeah.

JoAnn Fawcett:

Okay, and they live. They live very deep in the ocean. Well, there are some beings that are exactly like that and it's like oh, it's like no wonder, because the military often feeds information to the movie studios and you know, here, make you know, include this or whatever, but there is a lovely underwater species that is like that. So, you know, it's like oh, and I love. It's like I had to. Once I started learning about aliens, I had to go back and watch that movie again, because now I get it. But you know, obviously, obviously, when I watched it the first time, I didn't think, oh, that's an alien Cause, that's not. They don't say that in the movie. But anyway, it's like, I love that movie.

Julie Hilsen:

Yeah, yeah, and it's you know when you get down to it. All those, those films are basically non-judgment acceptance and you know, even all the Marvel, like the Guardians of the Galaxy movies. It's about love. I love this movie.

JoAnn Fawcett:

I love the Guardians of the Galaxy movies. I haven't seen the Marvel movies, but I have seen the Guardians of the Galaxy movies. Well, the last.

Julie Hilsen:

Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy, I can't remember the name of it. They were getting into the manipulation of the animals. They were like cyborg animals and they spent way too much time and with that and I was just. It made me really sad because I like to watch those movies, to laugh, and you know Exactly.

JoAnn Fawcett:

Well, in the, I watched it and I'm not saying it's new, but I watched it Superman movie where it starts where his parents are like you know he's just born and they're shooting him off because their plant, you know their world, is imploding and so they shoot him off to earth and you know, so he starts out as a baby and you know, and it's like, but it really, you know, it honed in the message that's like you understood he's basically an alien from another, another world and and I don't know, maybe that's the first time I really heard that being said in a Superman movie. Yeah, I always knew he was from another place, type of thing, but this was really brought it home to me and it's like especially because that's probably one of the first you know Superman movies I've seen in a long time and especially since I've known about aliens like okay, this really makes total sense, yeah, and then you understand the kryptonite.

Julie Hilsen:

you know like it all comes together.

JoAnn Fawcett:

Yeah, that movie brought it together for me, so that was really cool.

Julie Hilsen:

Well, if somebody is curious and wants to know more about you know the whole supernatural. I know you have a book and that you it's sort of your legacy. I mean it goes through your story and your experiences so yeah, would you like to share about that.

JoAnn Fawcett:

Sure, it's called excuse me, it's called midlife magic and I wrote it. Well, I changed my life in my 40s when I met husband number seven, so that's kind of midlife. So the first half talks about my childhood and the first six marriages. Then there's like three chapters on how he and I met, what it's like being a prison wife and how he introduced me to the world of UFOs and aliens and you know fairies and witchcraft and all this cool stuff, and then basically, how you know, my life is taken on a new pathway and I left the Mormon Church after 30 years just just cuz I needed to. And you know it's like my magic practice, how I use my intuition, how I protect myself, my experiences with ghosts, my UFO sightings, my ghost experiences, my fairy experiences, all that cool stuff, and just my connection to animals and things like that.

JoAnn Fawcett:

So that's that's the first book and it's called midlife magic and it's by my married name, joanne Richards. So it's on Amazon and all the usual places. It's also on my website. If somebody wants a signed copy, dragonhillbooksnet, they can order it that way. And and if you want more of the space stuff, I have several reports left on a website called edhqorg. I've closed down the nonprofit but I'm keeping the reports alive. So because people are still interested in them and and that you know a lot of the stuff that the X has written about his space things and and what I was, let's say, let's say you could email me at joanne, with no e at midlife magicbiz. Ask me anything you want to know I might be popping some questions.

Julie Hilsen:

In wake up in middle of the night like I wonder Joanne never?

JoAnn Fawcett:

yeah. Yeah, that's fine. I might not look at them in the middle of the night but, I will answer.

Julie Hilsen:

Well, thank you for sharing your life of love and magic and enjoy, I mean it's. It's just nice to have the idea that there's something beyond what we're dealing with right now and there's, there's civilizations that that want to help us, that want to be a part of us.

JoAnn Fawcett:

So and you know and I will. If I could share just one more thing, it's like often when I've given talks, it's like there's a whole array of beings behind me, holding me up and supporting me. You know, like the father-in-law, my raptor, guide either angelic or fairy beings behind me. So I know I'm on the right track, I know I'm talking about the right things, I know I'm sharing what needs to be shared and I love now talking about how we're connected and I want to, you know, move forward with that topic, besides all the relationship stuff I talk about, but I really do think there's a deep connection we can share with humans and non-humans.

Julie Hilsen:

So Right, I mean, if there's nothing else, it shakes us up to say that you know we need we need to get on board with the galactic, that you know we're not just here scraping along and trying to to get by like there's there's a higher good, there's a, there's a bigger community, that you know that we can get through.

JoAnn Fawcett:

And they've been around longer than we have. So we I'm sure we could learn a lot of things from other beings.

Julie Hilsen:

And we need some help. We need some restructuring. We've got a lot of a lot of stuff all over the place and and everyone's gonna meet in the middle from a place of love. It's not gonna come from one party or another party, it's.

JoAnn Fawcett:

And we've harmed the planet, and it makes many beings unhappy. So especially we could look to the ones who have lived here a lot longer than we have for guidance on how to, you know, bring the planet back into a more eco-friendly place, you know, so we're not just all imploding.

Julie Hilsen:

Well, thank you so much for your time and insight. You're so welcome.

JoAnn Fawcett:

You're so welcome. It has been fun.