Life of Love with Julie Hilsen

Love & Light Messages from Beyond the Veil

Julie Hilsen/Holly Porter Season 3 Episode 9

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When life hangs by a thread, some encounter a tapestry of otherworldly experiences so powerful, they change the very fabric of their being. Holly Porter, severe COVID-19 survivor and founder of Adventure Bucket, shares her riveting story of survival, spiritual encounters, and transformation. Through a coma-induced journey, Halle navigated the ethereal realms, receiving visitations from late relatives who ushered her back to the world of the living. Her tale is a riveting mosaic of hope and resilience, grounded in the power of the human spirit.

The conversation flows into the mystical as Halle recounts the angelic concert she experienced during her brush with the beyond—a serene painting of peace and colors that challenges our everyday perceptions of life and death. The support she felt from loved ones transcended into waves of love, not aggression, fueling her fight for life. This episode is a profound exploration of the unseen connections that bind us, and the ancestral ties that weave through Halle's current existence, linking her past in Parwin, Utah, to her present calling.

Completing our journey, Halle opens up about the birth of her nonprofit—an echo of her newfound purpose to create lasting memories for those grappling with long COVID. A transformative hypnosis session unveils symbols and entities that cement her life's mission, giving rise to the emblem of Rose Quartz hearts. Together, they symbolize the very core of our human journey: hope, survival, and our ability to emerge from the depths of despair, transformed and renewed. Join us as we traverse the landscape of Halle's remarkable experiences, an odyssey of the soul that redefines what it means to truly live.

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Julie Hilsen:

Life of Love With J. Hello, dear friends, and welcome to another episode of Life of Love, where we explore our hearts with curiosity and we inspire and we motivate people to live their best lives. So today is no exception. We have a special guest, halle Porter. She has been dedicated to creating and sustaining her visions and she's a people person. She's dedicated to wellness and advocacy, and I'm going to let her share her mission and tell us about her journey. She's had quite a journey. She's a heroine, a heroine of the most pure, pure kind. I'm just really excited to bring forth her message and, halle, thank you for being on Life of Love. Thank you.

Holly Porter:

Thank you for having me Appreciate it.

Julie Hilsen:

You have always been a go-getter, right Like. You had 11 startup companies, you've written multiple books, you've been an entrepreneur. But you, along with the rest of the world, you got thrown a real fireball with a COVID. The fireball is connected to a COVID virus and the statistics were that you weren't going to make it because you were on the ventilator and you got the capital R word, resdesimi or whatever it's called. That usually was. You know if someone got that they weren't going to make it, and I know because I followed the data on that situation. But you know, we're all just trying to do our best and I do believe that. But you're on the other side.

Julie Hilsen:

But you had some experiences and I would love for you to share the audience. When you came out, when you came out of your coma, did you realize? You had an experience Like how did you describe it? And then also you had near death and spiritual, and then you had a third that you talked about, which I didn't even know about. So I'm really excited for you to share with my audience these messages. You received a gift from your coma. It's wild. It's wild how you find the silver lining.

Holly Porter:

Yeah, well, we're all still learning, I'm still learning, and so there's three. I just found this out when I joined IANS, which is International Association of Near Death Studies. So that group's been around I think around 30 years and I actually went back to Washington DC and met a bunch of amazing people. But it was still pretty new to me. I wasn't sure really what had happened to me, I think mostly because of the COVID fog I had had. I still have it. And so as I progressed and learned, I realized there's out of body experiences, which is like astral traveling, which people can do that in a meditation state. And then there's the near death experience. When you're near death and you leave your body, a lot of people like say like they're floating above their body and looking down or hearing conversations outside of their body. And then there's spiritual transformation experience, and that was the one. Yeah, I didn't even know that one existed until I went to the conference, and so I had all of them.

Holly Porter:

While I was in my coma I was ventilated twice and I was ventilated for 52 days and on a feeding tube for 63. So 70 day hospital stay and I learned lots of things in my coma. I mean I traveled everywhere. It's interesting as I traveled in my bed and so, like my sister's, my husband had COVID. He was home on oxygen, he's also a long COVID guy and he couldn't even come see me for like three and a half weeks. So my sisters were there. They realized intuitively that I needed someone in the hospital with me the 24 seven, which was interesting.

Holly Porter:

And I believe and actually I just had that conversation with my sister I believe I would have died if they weren't there because the staff was so thin. You know they had an extra floor for COVID. Half the people in there were dying, half of them were on ventilators, half of them were vaccinated and half of them were not. I mean, there was no rhyme or reason to any of it. And so all these experiences I had, I would tell them where I left, left, you know, went all these places and and they laugh, they go like you never left this room. I'm like, oh yes, I did. So I traveled everywhere. So one of my near death experiences that I thought was ended up when I realized and learned about the spiritual transformational experience. I realized that was what that was and I'm happy to share. Do you want me to share that one With you?

Julie Hilsen:

Yes, yes, my brain is coming up with a million questions, but I'm going to let you share that, because I'm just like.

Holly Porter:

Yeah, so OK, yes, so that one first. The spiritual transformational experience for me was when I had already had my near death. I'm in the middle of writing a book right now and so trying to get the timeline all together and realizing and looking back at photos and when the dates are of those and everything. So things can come together Well. So after the near death was the spiritual.

Holly Porter:

And my mom she had passed away a year and a half before and a lot of people, a lot of people that I knew and that I didn't know, told me after I got out of the hospital that you know, your mom was there with you. There were spiritual people, she was always on your right side and it was funny because, yeah, she was always on my right side. And this particular time she came to me and said the one we hear all the time, it's not your time, like we hear that it really does happen. So she said it's not your time and you need to fight. And as soon as she said fight, then appeared in front of me all of these grandparents my brother passed away, my sister-in-law, I had a grandbaby that had passed away six months before. They all appeared in white in front of me and started chanting fight, which is interesting because I do not even like the word fight, like I'm not really that kind of a fighter, I just seem like I had a negative twist to it and they all said fight. And every time they'd say it, a whole new group behind them would come my kids, my siblings, aunts, uncles, friends, I mean you name it. As far back as I could see, they were chanting fight, fight, fight. But I actually had that painted it's a six foot by four foot painting in my what I call the healing room of my house, and I had it painted because it was so important to me that that had happened.

Holly Porter:

And that was the moment that I knew you're not going to die, because I mean, there were many days that I prayed if this is it like I'm suffering here, if this is it, get me out of here. This is not enjoyable. Let's go right, let's define the moment and get me out of here or get me better. That was my other thoughts. So that was when I knew I'd get better. Out of body. I'll share real quickly on that. Out of body, I would travel. I'm going to stop you.

Julie Hilsen:

So your mom led this. She was the first one to say fight. And then I'm picturing waves of people and I'm just curious was there a feeling? Did you feel their heart energy Was there like this? I mean, it was a word fight, but also, did you have an energetic feeling at that time, like a healing feeling? Can you expand on what? Because you didn't associate with a word fight, but I'm just wondering if there's an energetic like through the ethers that you felt.

Holly Porter:

But it was still yeah, because I didn't like the word but it didn't bug me at the time. I remember it was just I mean, it's weird because they were almost chanting but it was peace, it was joy and love and it was like we're here for you and we are cheering you on and you are going to get better. So fight, fight, fight. It was just like this. I mean, I felt like it's like when you look in a mirror and you can see back as many times as you can of a reflection it was like that of people. It just went on and on. I could only paint 26 people in my painting. I was really kind of disappointed in that.

Julie Hilsen:

Oh, so you painted it.

Holly Porter:

I had it painted, but I have a painting of it. Yeah, the vision. And the vision is actually turned because I'm in my bed and it's turned to be able to visualize it better. When they were really in front of me, they were above me is how I saw them. My grandbaby ironically, I painted her like I remembered her because she was just a couple of days old when she passed away. But she wasn't a couple of days old, she was like a mature adult, but I knew it was her. That was what was really really neat and so the interesting thing is. So that was the spiritual part of it, but that out of body. So I went back in time. This is really interesting.

Holly Porter:

So I started putting pieces together after I got out of the hospital because I was like, while I was there in this experience, I kept going back to this town called Parwin. It's in Parwin, utah, and I don't really have any reason to think of Parwin Utah Other than I do have a great, great, great grandfather who has a home there called the Jesse M Smith House, and I knew that and I knew it's kind of like a museum type thing now, but it's a very, very small town. Why on earth. I kept going back there, but it's like I would go back like 200 years ago. I never went Future, I always went past. So my out-of-body experiences, almost all of them, were in this town called Parwin and I mean I could tell you lots of funny stories but the bottom line is I still haven't gone back to that house to check it out. I'm not afraid to. I just haven't made the effort because I want to do it, because there was some really actually kind of creepy things that I would love to unsee, that I saw when, just things that I don't want to see again. There was a creepy field, there was lots of weird stuff, so that was an interesting thing to have those experiences.

Holly Porter:

And then the near-death experience that I had was I never saw myself leave my body and I don't for sure know who my guide was. I mean, jokingly, I say we all have to go through training, right, and I feel like because when I came back I told my sister she said that's how I figured out when the timing was when I had it, because she said they unvented you for 24 hours and then they re-vented you because I wasn't doing well, that was when I could talk and she says oh boy, did you talk? Because I had a lot to say. I told her I got kidnapped. And I feel like I got kidnapped because whoever took me wasn't supposed to, because obviously I'm back here, right. So where they took me, I wasn't supposed to be there, or I was always supposed to be there for a minute, but I felt kidnapped because I had her, like I remember seeing people in my room and I had her opening the closets and checking things out in the room because I swore people were in there. Well, I saw people were in there, there were spirits in there. She just couldn't see them.

Holly Porter:

And so this particular time, yeah, this near-death experience where I went, was just amazing and I didn't realize till months later that that's what I had experienced. I said I was in a concert and it was the best concert I'd ever been to, and they sounded like angels. I mean, I'm listening to my words, I'm using later going. How did I not figure this out sooner? But the brain fog I'm going to blame.

Holly Porter:

And it was angelic and people were talking, but they weren't talking and they were floating, they weren't walking, and I mean just all the things that I saw. I mean, I was never afraid to die. I definitely am not now, but I understand that the colors that you see and the peace that you feel and the love that you feel, I mean you just can't even describe. And if you've heard anyone else talk about their near-death experience, you probably have heard them say similar words. Because I think that the love is what I think everyone well, I shouldn't say everyone Some people do get to a dark space, I think too. But yeah, that's a whole other story.

Julie Hilsen:

That's what I was just wondering. So when you felt like you were kidnapped, that was an outer body experience, not your near-death.

Holly Porter:

No, that was my near-death, because I think whoever took me in my near-death, like my guide or whoever that was because I don't see a face or anything that I remember but I think they took me and they weren't supposed to. I think they were in training, I think they were green and they were training them or something. I don't know. I feel like maybe I was pulled there premature and then it was like oops, oops, get her back. I feel that energetically and intuitively. I feel that I say it jokingly, because how do you say you're kidnapped? If you were in a place like that, I wouldn't feel kidnapped In the place I was at. I don't feel like that was not a good place. So why would I come back and say I felt kidnapped? I feel like I said that because I wasn't supposed to go, I wasn't supposed to die, I wasn't supposed to leave and I did.

Julie Hilsen:

And that's how you were rationalizing, that you returned and what a blessing, because so many people sat in the hospital by themselves with COVID and weren't allowed to have families, which is why I think they died. I know that happened in my community. If you came out of that situation and you didn't have anyone to reassure you, you know what I mean and that's what they often. I follow near death experiences and they're like well, I don't know what it's like if you don't come back because I came back, like they don't know the next step because you didn't live to tell it. So it just begs the question.

Holly Porter:

Yeah, yeah, I think a lot of people I've had ask me that maybe lost people in comas or you know that didn't didn't survive. They would say, you know, do you remember being in pain? Do you remember Like, what do you remember? And I just always give them a positive feedback on that because I mean, I had some, I had some crazy stuff happen that I didn't like you know. But the bottom line is, I believe you're me, I believe that you're in places that you're creating and you're you want to get out of probably where you're at if you're in pain, so you're. So I just I think it's positive. I think that where people, what they see and what they feel they want, they want good I mean we all want good, right, and so I think if you're, if you're looking to create, it's going to be that. So people that see dark things I'm not sure why that is like. I don't know, I'm no expert.

Julie Hilsen:

Yeah, I mean it's beautiful. And then I'm wondering, when you dream now, do you ever go back?

Holly Porter:

I actually have tried to. I don't feel like I see any more than I already saw. It's interesting how much you were, I mean, with all the COVID fog. It is interesting how much I remember of what you know, things that happened, good or bad. There were a lot of scenarios and a lot of situations and like, like.

Holly Porter:

For instance, I told my sister she also does real estate and she was buying an Airbnb and one of the times that I was in pair one was actually current time, which was weird because it was always pioneer time when I was back there and I said to her I was staying in, so one side of where I was was the hospital and the other side was this Airbnb that she had bought. Well, I didn't know she was buying an Airbnb, so possibly she was talking about it or on the phone while she was in the room with me. You know, because I remember staying in there and I remember feeling all luxury because it was this nice plush bed. It wasn't my hospital bed and everywhere I traveled was in my hospital bed. So it's like, consciously, I felt like if I didn't take my bed with me where I went, then I wouldn't get my body back. I'm thinking that maybe is what was happening, because everywhere I traveled it was like in my bed, except my out of body or my near death experience. This is this is one thing that is really interesting. That happened when I went to this concert, right. What I told her was happening was all we went in our beds, so I went there in my bed, but I didn't stay in my bed. So there's a difference of that's when I think the near death happened, I believe, because I said all of the people that went in their beds to see the concert, we got all the boxes, like like if it was a big stadium and all the boxes were all the, you know, businesses owned and wealthy people are up there watching whatever. That's where all the people in the hospital beds got to be, because they were in their bed, they couldn't get out, so we got these luxury seats, right. I believe that those were the people that were dying. I went with them, except I came back. I got out of my bed, had my experience and then I came back. So that's kind of like just me thinking it out, because they told me how many, so many people were dying in the hospital.

Holly Porter:

In fact, I ran into a guy that's delivered body bags to the hospital during that time because his wife was telling him, hey, my friend's there right now. She's not. It's not looking good, you know. He's really worried about her and so he tried to like see what he could find out. But he said you know, it was really eerie, because every time he'd bring an order of these he says you wouldn't even believe how many body bags we were bringing in and he goes. I always knew that when these come out of here they have somebody in them. It was just a sad feeling for him that he's delivering something that's not good, you know. So just different things like that that I've heard over the last couple of years from people filling in little gaps because there were a lot of pieces missing for me, I know it made me think about magic carpet ride and you're in your bed.

Julie Hilsen:

It's not a magic carpet, you're in your hospital bed. That was the visual when you first said it, and then I thought I was just dreaming up something. But then you confirm that, yes, you're traveling in your bed like a magic carpet.

Holly Porter:

That's actually going to be one of the chapters in the book. Me and my bed yeah, yeah, it was. It's like amazing what we, what we can come up with, you know. I mean just that's so real. And you couldn't argue with me and tell me that stuff didn't happen. I mean, I would argue it forever because that stuff's very clear. Like it's interesting how your memory isn't there.

Holly Porter:

But there were certain things that I'll never forget. I mean they just, yeah, I believe my near-death experience. I got a few pieces put together when I did a hypnosis session with somebody I knew and I said help me, fill in some gaps. And that was pretty cool, that experience, because it did fill in some gaps. And I also think, like he said to me, you will remember when the time is to remember. And I believe that I think the reason I have those gaps is because they're not supposed to be revealed to me. Right now I'm not supposed to remember certain things and I don't know if that's to protect me or just because I'm not ready for it, I'm not sure but I still feel like there were some experiences. But I'll Do you have a couple more minutes if I tell you a couple more things.

Julie Hilsen:

Yeah, I'd love to. And I also just want to ask and let the audience know that you were driven to start a nonprofit to fulfill your mission as you received it in your coma called Adventure Bucket List, where you help people who are suffering from the effects. So this has become part of your life not your whole life mission, but one little one part, because you do so much. But I was just wondering through that foundation, have you shared any of your near-death experience stories? Do any of the other long COVID survivors have similar stories, or can you collaborate with them? I'm just really curious.

Holly Porter:

Yeah, to be determined. We're starting our podcast as well and so we have it kind of separated out into weeks, like a couple of weeks a month. We'll interview people with long COVID, we'll interview the caretakers, we'll interview medical and science, things like that. I don't obviously want it about religion or politics, I just really wanted about hope and survival. But yeah, the nonprofit I, pretty much in my coma, was told to start this nonprofit. I always wanted one but I never could land on anything. There were so many good causes but I knew it needed to be something. I started because I'm a starter and so it's called Adventure Bucket, wish not List.

Julie Hilsen:

Oh Wish, Thank you Thank you.

Holly Porter:

So Adventure, yeah, no, it's easy to get because that's, but it's for anyone with long COVID, and we're really here just to advocate and support, and we do create not just wishes but memories and experiences, and so we're still in the beginning, raising money and things like that. We've granted three wishes. So far, so well.

Julie Hilsen:

I didn't want to get caught up in your hypnosis results and not be able to give a shout out to that, because that's a huge part of what I want to hold space for for you and this magical thing that you've done to make some lemonade out of some lemons, and just you know it's a divine calling and so, yeah, so please, I'm dying, I'm on the edge of my seat. What you uncovered in your hypnosis session, Well, two main things I saw.

Holly Porter:

first, when I got there, I was actually in the dark and it wasn't really dark, but it was like a cobalt blue. I mean the colors are so different over there on the other side, they're just different, they're hard to explain. But it was like, not black, but it was like blue. And I saw an eye and I thought it was like on a mountain, one eye on a mountain and I was like, hmm, what's going on with that? And so I noticed that. And then I saw this tree and it was so confirming because when I started I have a software company that's called Retreat R&R and I knew when we were making the marketing and the branding of it, I said I just really feel strongly that it needs to have a tree as the main logo, and so that's what they did. It ended up having 11 leaves and 11 branches on it, which is super one, one, one one, which super significant.

Holly Porter:

So when I had this hypnosis session, here sits this tree, totally confirming that was one thing I didn't remember in my near death. Totally confirming that tree, you know. And trees have so many meanings they're grounded, they're rooted, they're just, they have so much stuff. Well, the tree, like split, to where the light side was to the left side and the dark side was to the right side. But I couldn't get to the light side and through this hypnosis session he actually had, there was we call it an entity and entities don't always have to be, you know, dark or bad, but it was. It was an entity that couldn't come all together. It would come together and then disperse, and so I was trying to explain it as everything was swirling around in this session. Basically, he said when, when I count backwards three to one, I want you to tell me his name, his name, I was like am I going to know his name, darby soon?

Holly Porter:

As he said one, I said Darby, I have no Darby. And ironically, my sister just another sister just told me last week that when she was a little kid she was telling my mom that something about Darby. When I told her the source, she was like that was the name. I told mom and I was like okay, that's just weird. Well, come to find out.

Holly Porter:

Darby wasn't any relation to me, he just wanted my light and so he was stopping me from going to the light and he just kept wanting. You know, he it was. He just kept wanting. You know he, he wasn't evil or anything, but he ended. He said I was too strong and my light was too strong that he couldn't hang on to me and all he wanted was my light. He but he's the light was going to take me no matter what. He had to let me go because he wasn't able to go into the light, and so that was kind of a weird thing, and so I was able to climb up the tree and go over off to that side and go into the light.

Holly Porter:

But the cool thing was I saw all these little shadows and things and they were pushing, they were making swirls and the swirls were shaped of hearts in this like cold, bald, blue gray, darker color, but they were all pushing to the left as they were pushing up these hearts, and I was like huh, so that I just noticed that I was interesting when I got to the other side and it was the light and this was where I was going to go over to this concert, so to speak, and I got over there. All of those hearts now turn to Rose Quartz. They were like a Rose Quartz color and making the hearts. And you know, what was funny is when we did our nonprofit I made these hope ornaments because it was November when we had our gala and in I knew every one of those needed to have a Rose Quartz heart in them. So that was like so cool, because I was like, oh so I like I knew it all along but I didn't know why, and the hit most session kind of like gave me some whys. So that was really cool my life. In the end.

Holly Porter:

He pulled me out of it too soon, I think, because I was really enjoying the end result.

Holly Porter:

Right, and I'll, I think the life review for me didn't, didn't that?

Holly Porter:

I saw, and again it might be revealed to me later, but I didn't see any negative.

Holly Porter:

Like you see, like I know, after the pain I felt through some family members since all this has happened, like I know from listening to other people's stories that we have to feel the pain that we caused somebody.

Holly Porter:

We have to feel that in our life review and that makes me very, very cautious now and, you know, just making sure I remember that and how I treat people, because how I felt in a family situation I would not wish on my worst enemy, let alone my family member, and so I was there thinking, am I gonna see the negative stuff? And I didn't. I saw only people hugging and the love, and it was all about love and I was grateful because I felt like I've seen enough crap the last couple years since I've lived that I don't know if I could have handled that. You know and I think that was part of it he would say in this hypnosis, when you're ready to see what you need to see, it will be revealed to you, and I really believe that. So then he pulled me out of it and that was it.

Julie Hilsen:

Right and that message of hope. Yeah Well, you keep getting, you keep getting uplifted because you have this serve you're. You're here to serve, you're here to to bring up and and give that hope. So you're getting reinforced, that it's part of you and, gosh, it's such a great message to to let people know that. You know I don't mean to plug the name of my show but your heart, your life of love is really, really important, like it's something to dedicate. You know if you can keep in your heart center and it doesn't mean things are always gonna be easy, but, you know, stay true to your heart and and know that on the other side, that's the kind of stuff that matters, like the. The kind of paint on your wall or the car you drive isn't part of your life review. It's, it's your heart, energy and and there's, there's beings and the, the entity that you met, for whatever reason. They, they couldn't get to that love and and they, they sort of wanted yours. It's such a good Symbol and it's something people can hold on to.

Julie Hilsen:

I thank you for sharing that. It's a very intimate thing to share. You know, a past life regression, a hypnosis, those things are. It's raw. So thank you so much and you're you're a certified hypnotist as well. It just reinterpreting, right, you're on the right path. Yeah, well, we're coming up on our time and I just I can't wait to hear about your podcast and, and you know, to hold space for people who, who might have a story to share, but not, they're not sure if people are ready to hear it, and I do think that more and more people are ready to hear of things that aren't that aren't Noticable to everybody on an everyday level. Have you, since you came back, are you able to see or feel more Things that are in the ethers? It? Has that stayed with you at all?

Holly Porter:

Yeah, I think not like a lot of people I've heard stories on, but I went through a really negative experience, you know, for the last couple years. That was, I think, hindering it and I think there were some lessons in there that I'm still kind of dissecting to see. But I mean, because my intuition, I feel like, is I've always had really good intuition but I feel like, yeah, that's definitely Turned up a little more. But I feel like with the experiences I've had in the last couple years that Maybe that turned it down, like it was turned up, but they like covered it up. Does that make sense? And so I feel like that That'll be a little more.

Julie Hilsen:

Right, well, what you described, we don't need to get into it because that's a whole nother podcast. But yeah, you had life events that would lower anybody's vibration and, in order to connect with the on the other side, there's a vibration height that is sustained that I could see why you weren't able to reach it, because you're dealing with a lot of earthly things.

Holly Porter:

Yeah, somebody said to me that your vibration when you came back was probably a lot higher and that's why I turned everything upside down, because you couldn't match. And they said don't come down to that, stay where you are, bring people up, don't come down to them. And I thought that was an interesting Observation, yeah and I think it's.

Julie Hilsen:

If you're, if you feel ascension symptoms and then you're like, oh my gosh, I can't tolerate this. Like you go through a detox, you detox friendships, like suddenly friendships aren't serving Either party anymore, like there's the energy, isn't there for whatever reason. You, you know I detoxed diets, like I, I couldn't eat certain foods, and you know there it's a definite time of you know readjusting and and it's not forever, like there'll be other times where you're just like I just can't, can't do this, I can't be here, I can't, I can't watch a violent show anymore. It's just like it'll wreck my world, like you know, it's not like I can go watch a horror movie. I just can't do it anymore. Like and that used to be sort of fun to be on the edge of the seat, but I Know it's like your life changes.

Julie Hilsen:

As you have these experiences and I I haven't had a near-death experience like you have I Can relate to those detox. It's the only thing I can call is a detox. Like you have to go through it and you examine it and you're like this works or it doesn't, and it's black and white. I hate to say it's like you know for sure, when it's not serving you Right. It's intolerable and I always say is God's giving you space for something you need space for, because you can't hold on to Everything in your life. You have to make space for a new and and you're definitely a creator. So you know, I honor your journey, sister. It's just beautiful and thanks for sharing it.

Holly Porter:

Well, thanks for what you do in the world, because it's so needed, and that hope and love, I mean kindness. We just need to spread. We need more people out there spreading it. I