Life of Love with Julie Hilsen

Transcendent Healing with Love

Julie Hilsen Season 3 Episode 17

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Embark on a transformative journey with Suzanna Kennedy, an ascension coach with an enchanting perspective from the island of Kauai, as we uncover the mysteries of 'Sacred Union and Higher Consciousness'. Susanna, with her profound experience spanning over two decades, brings light to the essence of sacred union—a concept that transcends romantic love and serves as a conduit to our higher selves and the divine. We delve into the necessity of self-reflection and the pursuit of inner wholeness, discussing how societal tendencies towards seeking external validation often overshadow our path to personal growth and fulfillment.

The conversation takes a deeper turn as we explore the Emotional Mental Detox Program, a unique consciousness technology that Susanna has expertly crafted to address six core subconscious issues. Through guided meditation infused with divine love, the program promises to clear limiting beliefs from not just our present lives but from our ancestral and past life patterns. Susanna introduces us to the Sacred Union Reprogramming System—an upgraded approach merging higher-dimensional frequencies with interactive, group-based healing. This system is designed to elevate our vibration, leading to a life experience that's more magical and interconnected.

As we wrap up this soul-stirring exchange, we reflect on the Quantum Peace Activation and the angelic realm's role in nurturing our divine connections. Suzanna shares the gentle power of the triple flame activation in releasing suppressed emotions and the importance of respecting each individual's healing journey. We recognize the influence of synchronicity, the idea that every encounter, no matter how seemingly trivial, is a stitch in the grand tapestry of our lives, propelling us toward interconnectedness, purpose, and joy. Join us for this uplifting, thought-provoking episode that promises to shift your consciousness and enrich your spiritual path.

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Julie Hilsen:

Life of Love Life of Love with Julie Hilsen. We have Suzanna Kennedy, coming in from the beautiful island of Kauai, which I love, the waterfalls and the scenery and you know, the time I spent there was just magical and I can't wait to get back. So now I know I have someone who lives there full time. So, Susanna, welcome to the show Well, thank you.

Suzanne Kennedy:

Thank you for the invitation. I look forward to this conversation. I know it's going to be dynamic.

Julie Hilsen:

Yeah, I want to jump right in, but first I want people to have a little background. You've been an ascension coach for over 20 years and you're dedicated to helping people tap into their consciousness, their higher consciousness, and overcome barriers that oh, I'm sorry, I'm going to re-say that to overcome barriers and manifest a desired reality. So, yeah, we're all about that. So, oh my gosh, yeah, let's get right into it. I mean your book, your new book, sacred Union Ascending to a 5D Paradise, has been out since the fall, right? Oh, it's beautiful. Yeah, anyone's listening about since, uh, october, yeah, october. Well, it's beautiful and I've I got a chance to peek into it and it's definitely a, it's a gift, it's a gift to humanity. So congratulations and thank you for that.

Suzanne Kennedy:

I know you. You're welcome, my pleasure.

Julie Hilsen:

So we're going to talk about some of this really great stuff. So, I mean, most people don't even say the word sacred in a day-to-day, you know conversation. It just doesn't really come up. And it is something that can transform your identity if you can see the sacredness in your life and the sacredness within you. In your definition, what is the sacred union? Can you give us a little insight as to what it means to you? Because it could mean something to everybody, right? Yeah?

Suzanne Kennedy:

yeah, well, to me it means two people coming together, two or more people coming together to serve the divine plan, you know. So you can have many sacred union relationships. We can have a sacred union relationship right now, you know, because we're both dedicated to the service. So, yeah, usually to get to that point you need to, you know, work on yourself and come into that divine alignment and really be radiating your own human divinity. And then when you bring people together in that energy, in that consciousness, then it's really really powerful.

Julie Hilsen:

for manifesting the best of everything. So it's like that frequency, the frequencies connect and give you sort of a boost. It's like a synergistic boost, right.

Suzanne Kennedy:

And it's exponential boost.

Julie Hilsen:

It's really a big boost when you, when you can do that well, I feel the energy right now that we're. You know, we did a little intention that we're going to bring forth the message for the highest good and I was like I felt it right. So I'm glad to have your affirmation that that's. You know, when you're asking for the ability to be of service, to be there as a conduit, that it gets recognized by the universe.

Suzanne Kennedy:

Yeah, well, and most people, when they hear those words and I was the same think of a you know like a romantic relationship. The same Think of a you know like a romantic relationship. And you know, I had to learn and now I teach. It's a sacred relationship with your own higher self, with your divinity and your body. And so if you want a sacred relationship with another, have to, you know, do that first for yourself, and then you automatically attract, you know, somebody who, uh, matches your vibration in that sacredness.

Julie Hilsen:

yeah, yeah, it's empowering because it's it's not dependent on somebody else showing up. It's it's all.

Suzanne Kennedy:

You, yeah, it is, it is all you and you do that inner work because you know a lot of people. They want to change their outer circumstances. You know, when I get my partner I'll, I'll be happy, I'll be whole, you know, and it's like no, when you're whole inside then you attract another whole mature, sacred being or many Right.

Julie Hilsen:

Like you said, the possibilities become exponential, right? I love how you said that. Right, that begs the question is, you know, working on yourself, and it's really hard to see patterns and it's really hard to to look closely at yourself and and I think a lot of times we think we're serving by you looking at other people and saying, well, they could have done that better. But really when you're doing that, you're deflecting and you're not looking at yourself because you're spending too much energy looking at what other people are doing. So to me it's an amount of and you talk about this in your book a little bit, I mean a lot the emotional healing and so, if you know, can you go through and I have an idea of how it looks for me because I've gone through a lot of this work and a lot of this soul searching and know thyself right.

Julie Hilsen:

You have to understand what is going through your body and own yourself, and you know it's not necessarily something our society teaches to look at yourself. We don't want you to look at yourself. No, we're always getting affirmation or paychecks or you know, it's always this external validation and that's the opposite of what we're talking about. You might not be accepted. So can you tell me a little bit about your process for emotional, first identification of emotions and then healing? I know it's a loaded question. You could probably talk for two hours on this. But yeah, give someone some insight into how to get in touch with thyself yourself.

Suzanne Kennedy:

Yeah, well, you know it's observing. You know your life is a blueprint of your, it's a reflection back of your consciousness. So if it's in your life and you're not comfortable with it, then it's, it's there inside of you and the easiest way to change it is to, you know, go inside and change. So I um created, uh, I call it a consciousness technology and it is called the Emotional Mental Detox Program, and I've identified the six core issues that we all have in common. And they're subconscious programs, they're a set of limiting beliefs, and we have them in common because we all grew up in this whole world of that's kind of. The foundation is the illusion of separation, and so that's why sacred union is the solution to the illusion of separation, and so that's why sacred union is the solution to the illusion of separation. But, um, so I've identified those six core issues and each one of the six core issues has a whole lot of um, there's a lot in each one that I've also identified. So I take people through in a guided meditation type style that's my delivery style and take each of the core issues by itself and all of its variations, and have you connect with your higher self, with that creative authority within you. And then I give you what we call intentional commands, because it's thought plus energy, creates right. So the intentional commands is the thought part, creates right. So the intentional commands is the thought part, and then I use divine love as the frequency part to you. Put the two together and you can create something new.

Suzanne Kennedy:

So we call forward by intentional commands all of the false limiting beliefs and patterns and programs, and it's very comprehensive and it works multidimensionally. So it's working with your, the beliefs, which is in the mental body. But those beliefs have created events in your life. So the beliefs create your life, your events, and some of those events are painful and so that event triggers an emotion and subconsciously, those two things go together and get recorded and what it appears to us is that that belief was just validated as true, but it really didn't. It was the belief that created it.

Suzanne Kennedy:

If you had a different belief, it would have created something different. So we clear not only the limiting beliefs but the memory and the emotional content of all of the events that that belief created in your life. And you know we go. There's six core issues that I've identified and we go one step at a time, usually one a week for six weeks, and we clear it from your physical body, your emotional body, your mental body, all of your spiritual bodies plus your ancestors, so anything that came in on your DNA that was not resolved by your parents or even further generations back, and also your alternate lives, parallel lives, past lives, future lives. And it does get your future lives too, because once you change the programming, you're going to be creating different types of events.

Julie Hilsen:

Your timeline shift. You're on a new trajectory.

Suzanne Kennedy:

Very much Every time. Every week we do another one and it shifts again. So it's really taking people off one octave at a time, frequency wise, because when you clear the past, um, the beliefs that vibrate at a lower speed, the emotions that vibrate at a lower speed, you know you. You clear that out and it automatically raises your vibration and what I find is that the higher your vibration, the more graceful your life is, the more easy, the more synchronicity, the more magical it becomes.

Suzanne Kennedy:

So, yeah, yeah, it's been a, uh, it's been out for 20-some years, this program, the Emotional Mental Deprogramming System, and then just recently, and that's been out as a digital course that people can do it on their own.

Suzanne Kennedy:

And then recently I was guided to upgrade it again because it was created so long ago and it does take people from a third dimensional consciousness to a fifth dimensional consciousness. But lately I've been integrating higher dimensional consciousness for myself and so now I'm working on integrating I have done it consciously-wise it's the eighth dimensional frequencies and getting them to integrate into my physical body. So I was guided to redo it, or upgrade that 20-year system and it is now called the Sacred Union Reprogramming System and I'm doing that live instead of on a digital recording so that I can give people coaching and you know it's a group, it's a small group offering so that everybody gets know unique attention during our meetings and, um, yeah, helps to integrate it more quickly and more gracefully. So I'm really loving that. I love working with the groups and having that community support each other. It it's really beautiful.

Julie Hilsen:

Yeah, and how, how amazing to have this legacy of a program evolving and growing with what people need, and I mean just so powerful, to go through all of those, those parts of your being and acknowledge that we are multi-dimensional and acknowledge that we are multidimensional beings and we, we have alternate dimensions and we have these, these things that come at us. And it's not our fault, this programming like you and I love that it's like it's just programming it's not your fault. You didn't. You didn't create this. This is something you might've contributed to it by tuning into the system, but this is something like I love how you're saying it's. You know all the six core issues everybody has, so nobody. You can have compassion for someone else and you can have compassion for yourself, because this is everyone's reality. Everyone needs to break through it, to ascend, to get to this place of magic and feel less dense.

Julie Hilsen:

And I loved how you put it in your book. It was one of the people who talked about your book in the introduction, balancing the physical path while honoring the expression of the sacred, and that just to me, that just hit the nail on the head. I was like you know, that's why it's so rough. We're all having such a hard time because we have these physical bodies and they're dense, and at the same time we have these light bodies that want to help us. We have to tune into it but then also be in these bodies that are struggling with the programming and struggling with the expectations or the things that are just.

Julie Hilsen:

You know, we're just born into it and you adjust and you acclimate to survive, but then at some point you're like wait a minute, this doesn't feel good. Wait a minute, this doesn't feel good To me. Like people, you know, if you can't even put your finger on the emotion because you've been so medicated or you've ignored your sacredness for so long, just try to know if you feel good or you don't. Right, you know. Then start with that emotion.

Suzanne Kennedy:

Yeah, Well, you know, and a lot of people you know, then start with that emotion. Yeah, Well, you know, and a lot of people you know can't even identify what brings them joy, Because it's been so, does not exist for such a long time, you know, maybe having to go all the way back to childhood and your innocence and before the programming took over. But you know, you're right, it's like it's not our fault, it's the way that we were designed. And in those first seven years we're creating the personality, the self-identity that we're going to use for this lifetime. But it's not the true self-identity that we're going to use for this lifetime, but it's not the true self-identity which is, you know, a divine being, a being of love.

Suzanne Kennedy:

So I kind of see it as like how they have these video games. And when you enter and start to play a video game, you have to create an avatar, a representative of yourself in the game. And you know, that's how I see what our personality and our self-identity is. It's an avatar and it's our soul that's playing the game. And to win the game or to go to the next level is to remember that you're the soul that's playing the game and you're not the avatar, and when you do that, you start to take more control over your life and what you're creating becomes very different and much more graceful.

Julie Hilsen:

I love the idea of detoxing. It's like you're just clearing those cords, those habits, those emotions, those things that don't serve you anymore, so you can be where it's a higher place, a more joyful place. But yes, I couldn't agree with you more. It's that identification of what brings you joy, and joy is different from happiness.

Suzanne Kennedy:

Yeah, yeah, and you know it's everybody has that programming in those first seven years. That's just the way our mental body was created and so we're creating these avatars and we think that's all we are. So most people who haven't done this kind of inner work, this deprogramming of some kind, they might be adults but they're wounded seven-year-olds inside those adult bodies and that's what we're usually dealing with. And you're right when you do this work yourself, you realize and you have compassion for yourself that you had this programming and you're really joyful and grateful that it's gone. And then it's really easy to identify when somebody else is behaving out of their programming. And you do have compassion because you know that's their programming and you just happen to be the one that they're projecting all over at the moment.

Julie Hilsen:

And you can change that person's response by not being activated, by holding space for where they are or even saying, yeah, this is really frustrating, instead of joining them in their frustration. You know, and even find humor in a situation not to belittle. But you know, if you look, I've had a couple situations where I actually see the grown person as like a four-year-old or a five-year-old and it's hard for me not to be amused, like outwardly, but it just puts a different lens. You're just like oh honey, it's all right, we're going to get through this.

Suzanne Kennedy:

You know, like don't worry, sometimes that's what they need to hear.

Julie Hilsen:

They just need to hear it. Like I see it. Like I see it, I see it. This stinks, you know, it's, it's real. But we can focus on this, you know, like, just offer another, another vibration to it. It's, it's really, it's a fun way to to be in the world. And then then, um, I love, I love how you have developed a system to clear it.

Julie Hilsen:

And then, if you do feel an emotion, you can say well, I'm, I'm feeling a little um, the one that it gets me is, um, separate, like the uh, the um, illusion of separation. That one gets me a lot, like if I, if I offer to help somebody and I'm doing it from my heart, I really want to help them and they won't let me, that really gets me because I just I can see so clearly how I can help. And then I feel like rejected or unworthy when they, when they ignore me or, or you know, roll their eyes or whatever, whatever it is, I have to sit and go. Okay, this is me. This is me feeling rejected, and I have the best intentions and I'm coming from. Maybe I'm supposed to do something else with my time. Maybe God has a different plan for my day than to spend the day helping this person, even though I want to. And so, instead of feeling that separation, I'm like no, there's just another path I'm supposed to go down. I spent like 30 seconds feeling rejection instead of three days. You know what I mean. It's like it's there, I see it, but I reorient. That's the best way I can try to explain to somebody how it could work.

Julie Hilsen:

Yeah, you're not never going to get rid of those feelings. They're part of your consciousness and maybe I haven't done your program. Maybe if I did your program, they'd be completely gone. But that's where Julie Hilson is. At this point I still feel it. I'm like, oh, you know, I just wish everyone could see what I see in them. You know, but it's their path. And you know, but it's their path and you know I don't. You don't have to fix everything.

Suzanne Kennedy:

There's a reason, it's there and you gotta trust. Yeah, yeah, we, we do have to trust and um, yeah, I, I don't. I have stopped um offering to help um. When I see something like that, I might say, oh, I understand that I felt that way and this is what I did, and then just leave it there, just the shortest little thing. And if they ask a question about it, then I know that they're ready. If they just turn away, then they're just not ready and yeah, you know it doesn't. It doesn't do either one of us any good to to try to help somebody who doesn't want to be helped. You know they may need a different, like you say, a different route, or hear it from a different person.

Suzanne Kennedy:

Sometimes it's the family that is the least likely to listen to you oh yeah, it's so fun yeah so, um, yeah, but I just did want to mention that the emotional, mental deprogramming system, the way I've set it up in this guided meditation style, makes it really easy to go through. It's not a heavy thing. You don't have to remember what the trauma was, you don't have to bring forward those feelings and process them. And when I was developing it, what I discovered is that there's a uh, there's a particular frequency that you can use to prepare for this. That makes it really quick and easy. So it's called the triple flame um activation and um, it's on, and right now I think I called it. It uses the triple flame frequency, but it's called the quantum peace activation, which is on my website as a free gift for anyone who wants to to do it.

Suzanne Kennedy:

But what I, what it did is it goes through and it clears the chakras and the meridian pathways, which is where a lot of the blocks to energy flow are found. And so when you clear those with this triple flame frequency, then when you call things up from wherever they're hidden and suppressed and all the memories, they just flow through because they're going to go through those pathways on the way out. And so when you do it, you're not getting stuck. You're not activating a memory of those traumas, you're just breathing them out into an alchemical container so that they don't leak out into your, into your world. So you don't. You also don't have those um oh, what they call them healing events afterwards, those healing crisis after you do a big change in frequency. Sometimes you get a healing crisis. After you do a big change in frequency, sometimes you get a healing crisis, and so I found a way to make sure that doesn't happen as well so that everything gets loved up before it has a chance to manifest.

Julie Hilsen:

Ah, it sounds so lovely and you know, I just pictured. Like you know, you have your triple flame roto-rooter clear in the path, and then you just expel it all and the love. What do I want to say? Does it transpose it or transmutes it to?

Suzanne Kennedy:

because love's the highest energy in the quantum right right, yeah, so the, the triple flame in the quantum piece activation, those frequencies are the synergistic blend of divine love, divine wisdom and divine power creative power and so they're very strong frequencies on their own, but when you put them together they are really very powerful. And you know it's the same. Some call it the trifold flame or the. It's been called, you know, because it's been around and a lot of the spiritual teachers have used that for healing over the centuries. So it's not a new frequency, it's just kind of I'm applying it in a way that hasn't been applied, that I know of before, and that is to prepare you for doing the deeper inner work and having it be more graceful.

Julie Hilsen:

Yeah, and this all works because we're beings of light and this might be a new concept to some people in my audience that you're a divine being of light and so these energetics work with you. And if our bodies can't see, sometimes we can feel it. Some people can see, but in general our bodies aren't designed to, to sense these things. That's why it's 5d and up is because it's not something our senses can take in um at a general baseline. So you know, if, if you can connect to the idea that you are a divine being of light, and it opens up these light resources that are available. And that's what I find so amazing. And you know, I, when I first started working with angels, I didn't understand that they were actually connecting to me, to my inner God, because God works with angels.

Julie Hilsen:

And then, when I started working, with angels you know I was like who am I started working with angels. You know I was like who am I to work with angels? That's a little pompous, like that's a little crazy to say I talk to angels and it's not a song, what's that? Counting crows? But you know, it's your divinity, that you have God in you, and so the angels can be your helper too divinity that you have got in you, and so the angels can be your helper too.

Suzanne Kennedy:

Yeah and yeah, and it's all you know, backed up by science and quantum physics, tells us that we, you know, we think we're solid, but we're not. We're vibrating strings of energy and the energy field around you is all frequency. Frequency is the language of energy and it's like an information field. And so you can pull out of that information field, just like if you were working with a computer and you say I want all the files that have to do with fear, and so all the beliefs and all of the thought patterns that trigger the feeling of fear.

Suzanne Kennedy:

So there's the mental, and usually when you have an emotion, it's been preceded by a particular thought, preceded by a particular thought. And so when you go through and you do this kind of subconscious deprogramming, you find that you those you know what we call negative thoughts they stop, they stop coming up to the surface and all of those mental habits and mental patterns, so they get cleared out, which makes room for, you know, the higher, more graceful, more compassionate thoughts to be inspired and and replace that and and then create a better reality for yourself, because your thoughts are always going to create, so let's choose some thoughts that create what we want instead of what we don't want.

Julie Hilsen:

Yeah, we don't have to be a victim of your subconscious, of your emotions, of the past. You can start fresh. And that's the most magical thing and that's why I say it shifts timelines, because you can go from one person one day to a completely different person the other day. It's all up to your thoughts and the way you're presenting and I just it's just really gooey to me. The triple, the triple flame, because you have the end, you have the power, you have the energy, you have the divine inspiration you have. You know you have. You know you have your inspiration and you have your. What was the third one? I got lost.

Julie Hilsen:

You have your power, you have your divine inspiration and you have your creativity so you can use your gifts that you have, that you're longing to use and that brings you joy when you use those gifts and connect to the world with your ultimate joy. Because that's why we follow people online or we go to certain movies or listen to certain music. It's because that person's creative joy is enticing and it builds a connection. You see something in that person's art or their expression that you identify with and everybody has a chance to do that art or their expression that you identify with, and everybody has a chance to do that. You don't have to be a Michael Jackson or a Shania Twain or whatever. Whatever you listen to that you can just be yourself and you can be totally magnetic to, to communication, to relationships that you know, and that that's how you can break it down are those three things, and then you can live in your joy, and it's just so beautiful.

Julie Hilsen:

I thank you for bringing this forward today. It's a great reminder and it's like a container, it's like it's all together. I feel like sometimes we get these little pieces, but this is comprehensive. I love it, yeah.

Suzanne Kennedy:

Well, thank you. Comprehensive, I love it. Yeah. Well, thank you. Yeah, that was brought forward from my career before I did all of this, which was an instructional designer, so I designed training programs in the corporate world. So now my subject matter experts are up there and I can still use my human skills of putting together information and transformational systems.

Julie Hilsen:

Well, isn't that exciting. Like nothing, nothing is a waste. Like everything you do, even if it's a job that didn't work out, you learned something that brought you to this path, to to what your ultimate expression is there's, no, you know, that's what I love about living in this reality is that there's. Everything is synchronicity, everything, and life gets gooey when that even when you were talking before and I heard the rooster crowing I'm like, oh yeah, we're supposed to pay attention to what Susanna's saying. Right now there's that rooster.

Julie Hilsen:

I've just been so, so delighted to have this conversation and I love everything that came forward. And your website is okay, but I'll put your website in the show notes so people can go and check out what you're offering. And man, I just, I can just see the people whose lives have changed and then everyone around them. It's like this, it's like a exponential effect. You know, you touch one person and they have a lifetime with 50 or 60 other people and those people are changed and it's just a beautiful, it's a beautiful resonance and I thank you and I honor, honor, I honor what you're doing. It's such a delight to meet you yeah, well, I feel the same.

Suzanne Kennedy:

You're doing important work as well, and, yeah, thanks for giving me the opportunity to speak to your audience thank you.