Life of Love with Julie Hilsen

Infinity Wave Transforming Life Through Love and Compassion

Julie Hilsen Season 3 Episode 21

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What happens when a profound vision and spiritual insights converge to form a life-changing concept? Join us on Life of Love as we welcome the remarkable Hope Fitzgerald, an author, spiritual teacher, and guide. Hope recounts her transformative journey that began in 2010, marked by a pivotal sound healing workshop and a vision of the Infinity Wave. Discover how this giant wave symbolizes the evolution of consciousness and the importance of embracing life’s changes with love, compassion, and fluidity, as she elaborates in her influential book "The Infinity Wave: Mastering the Art of Love, Compassion, and Flow."

Intrigued by the intersection of science and spirituality? Hope delves into her exploration of Teilhard de Chardin's theories and the challenges of channeling new spiritual concepts. Learn about her creation of a nine-step process for spiritual evolution that has had a profound impact on participants, leading to personal healing and increased joy. Hope also shares captivating stories of paranormal events and the process of writing her books on these transformative phenomena, offering a unique perspective on blending scientific theory with spiritual practice.

Lastly, we explore the power of symbols like the Infinity Wave in fostering unity and spiritual growth. Hear about its calming effects during an eclipse in Vermont and its ability to transform a disruptive meditation gathering. The episode also highlights the spiritual connection among women through the Sisterhood of the Rose meditation, unifying heart and womb wisdom. Hope emphasizes the nurturing role of women and the divine feminine element of water, setting the stage for future discussions on the role of a death doula. Get ready to be inspired and empowered to embrace love, compassion, and flow in your own life.
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Julie Hilsen:

Life of Love.

Julie Hilsen:

Hello, dear friends, and welcome to another episode of Life of Love, where we gather to explore curiosity and living our life of the highest good in love and it not always is what we expect or romantic love. It's more than that, and I'm so happy to share these paradigms, and this week is no exception. We're having a wonderful guest, hope Fitzgerald, and she's been in the field of helping people her whole life, but she has had a wonderful, miraculous story of just enlightenment and I can't wait for her to share with you her path and how she said yes and her special superpower, and she's willing to share it with you because it's not something you have to go to India and study. This is something that's around you and it's just beautiful. So I'm just really excited.

Julie Hilsen:

She's an author. She wrote a book called the Infinity Wave Mastering the Art of Love and Compassion and Flow Love, compassion and Flow. It's a beautiful guide and so she's going to share some insight from that. But also she's a spiritual teacher, a guide. She helps people find their passions and follow their dreams and connect to what they need. She's a dowser Look that up if you've never heard of that. It's really cool. And also she helps people transition as a death doula I hope I'm saying that right and also on her website she said she's a death midwife, so I'm really excited to hear about that. There's so many things we're going to talk about, so I hope everyone can stick around to the end. I know this is going to be a very impactful and just wonderful episode. So thanks for being here. I appreciate my audience. I appreciate Hope being here and welcome to Life of Love. Thanks for joining us, hope.

Hope Fitzgerald:

Thank you, julie, so much, and hello to everybody. I'm really happy to be able to have a chat with you and with them, even though we can't see them right now. I trust that this will be enriching for all of us.

Julie Hilsen:

I think it would be really helpful for my audience to just get a little insight, because you've been. You're a counselor and you've been in the field. You knew you were going to help people, like it was very obvious from from reading your your bio and your introduction to your book that you've dedicated your life to helping people. But 2020 came and you took a catapult of spirituality or I don't know how to say it. You were ascended, I guess, and I know a lot of people have had a lot of changes in their lives since then. So I just love stories. I love people to share how they took a time of transition and they made something out of it, and I think it gives other people hope and courage. So if you could share some insight about what you went through and how you experienced your water guides, your infinity wave, yeah, so I'm just gonna let you. I know you could talk for three hours about it, but I'll try to shrink it down.

Hope Fitzgerald:

So so not to find fault, but I this all started in 20. And, yes, I had led a very spiritual life privately. I had my regular life and then, like a side-by-side track, I had my spiritual life and I'd been doing that since I was really a child, exploring all different kinds of philosophies and religions, exploring healing, exploring even how to eat better, how to use herbs, all kinds of things. And I just found that for most of my life, if I talked about those things in a general public kind of way, people started to roll their eyeballs and not listen. Not everybody, but it's been a taboo subject for many people for a long time. Now it isn't because we've had so many people go ahead of us who really have opened people's minds Thankfully, I bow to them.

Hope Fitzgerald:

But in 20, I had a very difficult personal year and family issues, very tragic things happened and I was feeling extremely depleted on all levels. You know when you're physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually depleted is when illness can work its way in. So I decided I was going to go to a sound healing workshop, actually back-to-back weekends, and see if I could refill my coffers, which I did, and at the very end, the very last practice I received some insight about why these things had happened, these dramatic things that seemed to have nothing to do with me. But when I received my answer in the last practice, I was so grateful for the insight because it flipped the whole story and freed me in many ways, that I, in my mind's eye, I went prostrate on the floor and I said I just, and it just sprang from me. It wasn't a mental thing, but in my mind, out it came. I am a willing vessel, do with me what you will. That, just you know, popped out. I didn't say it, it was in all. This was internal, but it was profound. And I went home and I felt delightful. I felt like I had cleaned my inner bowl. I was free of story. You could have called me any name, I would have answered. It was a blissful state.

Hope Fitzgerald:

And then, three days later, I was walking across my living room and then I had these visions. This vision standing right in front of me was a giant wall of water, a big wave moving towards me, beautiful, not threatening, and there was kind of a byline. I became aware of that this wave represented a push of evolution that was coming to the planet and that, if I chose to swim with it or surf it, things would go much better than if I resisted. Okay, because you know, if you go to the beach and there are big waves and you resist them, boom, you're knocked down. So you have to learn to work with it. So then, immediately, that image changed to a sideways view of the wave, so this would present like the curling wave that you see a surfer come through the barrel, that kind of thing. So it looked like the letter C kind of, and this had a byline too, and it was, and I'm paraphrasing but as the water, the ocean water, moves away from the shore and deepens into the seabed to create the crest. That's how the physics of a wave works. Deepen into the earth and that creates the wave. So should I. But this is now for all of us. Leave your book learning on the shore, leave all the things you think you know on the shore. Go to the earth, go to the wisdom keepers of the earth, dive deep into the earth wisdom, and then mix that with this incoming push, whatever this new wave thing was. And I was like, okay, this is all happening in a matter of moments. This is all happening in a matter of moments, and fortunately I had a very close friend in the room with me and so I was speaking to her what I was seeing in real time. So I have a witness, thank goodness.

Hope Fitzgerald:

Then that letter C, that wave that was kind of poised like this, started to fall back in the ocean, but didn't just go straight back in the ocean like it normally does. It turned into this figure eight of flowing water and that had no byline. It hung out in front of my third eye, if you will, about this size for about three days, and I was just aware of it. I would go. It was kind of. It's funny when you see with your non-eyes, you're seeing with something else. It's perceptible but it's not always tangible, like you couldn't grab it, but it's there.

Hope Fitzgerald:

Hard to explain Psychic experiences up to this point, but I never had visions like this. I didn't know what to make of it, and after three days I sat down with my dowsing rods. So for people who use pendulums that's a form of dowsing. We won't go too deep into it right now, but I had been a dowser at that point for I don't know, 15, 16 years, and so I had a way of asking questions that I was very comfortable with. That could really open up a landscape a little bit out of yes and no questions.

Hope Fitzgerald:

Anyway, I came to understand that this figure eight, made of flowing water, had a name that we could use to identify it called the infinity wave, that it is a very, very high dimensional frequency. It's a living frequency that embodies in its water that high level of love and compassion, a level so high that we on this planet are not usually in touch with that level. It's so pristine. The thing is that when we what I learned later is when we use this wave, which has this inherent love and compassion and this pristine level, it lifts us out of our 3D existence, it opens the field so that we're no longer captured in 3D, we have more access, and what it does and I'm kind of skipping ahead, but what it does is it allows us to reach a better state, so that, no matter what we're doing, no matter what we're saying, we're in a better state. That's the simplest way to say it we go into a state of flow, we go into a state of love and compassion, and we don't have to manufacture it, we don't have to sit down and meditate for an hour and a half to get to that place of compassion. It's like an easy button to get us quickly to a state that will keep us in non-resistance. Remember that first image don't resist. Resistance is where the suffering lies.

Hope Fitzgerald:

Okay, so we had this, and then I was told that I needed to, by my guides, through my rods, dazzling rods that I needed to create workshops about this, starting in January. This was now early November 2010. And in January 2011, I was to start a series of workshops and I said no, I don't want to, because, even though I really had been a leader in many ways, I've been a teacher, performer, director, lots of things and I was comfortable with that. When it came to my spirituality, that was not where I wanted to be. It was my own private place. I didn't want to be in the front of the room, and I also always consider myself, and still do, as a student. So as soon as you put yourself in the front of the room, now most people think, oh well, she's no longer a student, she's a teacher and I didn't want that because I was still a student. Well then I was reminded of the pledge that I made that last day of the sound healing workshops, that I am a willing vessel. Do with me what you will.

Hope Fitzgerald:

Yeah, you said it, you put it out there. I said that didn't I? Okay, so if you ever feel called to say that, just you know, be ready because you will be used. You absolutely will. I did not know. I had a mission. Boom, I immediately had a mission and it changed my life dramatically. I also was not comfortable doing a workshop on something I knew nothing about. I immediately went to the internet and like, well, let's look up infinity signs Is it anywhere.

Hope Fitzgerald:

No, it was nowhere. I know that's hard to believe today, but in 2011, no, Now one of the things that initial image said when it said this is representing a push of evolution. It said that we'll be wrapping around the planet and anchoring in at the end of 2011. So for that whole year, in 2011, I'm looking up, I'm looking in stores, I'm looking for the infinity sign in logos, in packaging, in jewelry. I'm looking everywhere because I know if something's coming to me and I'm looking for validation because, if something comes to one person, I know it's coming to the collective.

Hope Fitzgerald:

Somehow I can't be the only one, but I didn't see anything. And the other thing that I was hearing in these initial communications was it was about evolution. Evolution was not something that we talked about in 2010 or 2011. I promise you, I looked it up and the only person because I was thinking well, this is a kind of evolution that isn't happening in the background, this is a kind of evolution that we're conscious about. I think that's what this is about. So I look up conscious evolution, the only reference I see is Barbara Marks Hubbard, and she had one little class or something on it and I read about it. It wasn't what I was intuiting that this was about. I'm like, okay, well, I guess I'm going to figure out what to teach. And so I went back to when I was 21,.

Hope Fitzgerald:

I went to this wonderful place in Northern Scotland called Findhorn and it looks like find horn. It's one word, but it's pronounced Findhorn. It was a very magical community that I highly recommend everybody. Read the book the Findhorn Garden If you want to see, if you want to read about real life, magic, tangible magic. Read that book, and I was fortunate enough to go there and when I did, it kind of blew my circuits open and it launched me into a new level in terms of how I view the world.

Hope Fitzgerald:

One of the things they taught there was a theory of evolution by Teilhard de Chardin, who was a 19th century Renaissance man. He did everything. He was a priest, but he was also an archaeologist, he was a philosopher a long list of things that he was and he had this theory of evolution and for some reason I had remembered it and so I kind of pieced that together with the current science and the current people who are bringing science and spirituality together, and I kind of mushed something together. Anyway, but mostly I would sit down every week before the workshop at the end of the week, end of the month, and with my same friend end of the month, and with my same friend, and and I would sit down with my rods and and pray to god that something would come through that would help me to understand what the heck we're doing here just imagine, just imagine you get a vision about a figure eight made of flowing water.

Hope Fitzgerald:

It has a name, but you don't know what the heck it is and you're supposed to charge people and teach about it in a month or two. I was terrified. I was absolutely terrified and I was completely walking blind. And what that means, and why I'm mentioning this to your audience, is what I learned was that, even with all my exposure to all kinds of spirituality, all kinds of methodology in this life and beyond, I still was in my mind and my desire was to go from believing to knowing, knowing. And the way to do that is to be put into a situation, like I was in, where I couldn't get at it through my mind.

Hope Fitzgerald:

What was coming in was not going to be understood through my mind because it was something new, new spiritual concept. Is that possible? Doubting myself 100% the whole way, 100% the whole way, yet having to trudge forward blindly. So the lesson was and still is the universe cannot catch you if you're not willing. You are held, you are guided, kind of like. The infinity wave was clear but perceivable to me. Yet my eyes were also seeing. There's something else that is leading, that is informing, and when we can let go, when we can lose our minds and completely trust that this other guidance system can take over. That's when the miracles happen. That's when the true light bulb turns on. The true light bulb turns on.

Julie Hilsen:

And I went into.

Hope Fitzgerald:

So every week I sat down, these voices would come through that were not mine, very deep, very slow voices, and these practices would tumble out of my mouth. Now, until that time I was not a fan of channeling, because I understood at the time that my that energy fields, our body's energy fields, will distort information coming in, and not only that, but our emotional bodies. The degree to which we want something to happen adds to that distortion. So the trick I discovered is to get yourself completely out of the way.

Hope Fitzgerald:

For me it's moving to the left and it's kind of like seeing a hollow tube come in place and then words for me, words dropped into that hollow tube and I would observe them, I could see the words, I would speak the words and every now and then a word would come that I didn't like, and I try to shove it away, and it would keep dropping in until I had to say it. So then I realized this is not about me, I just need to speak the words that are coming Boom, boom, boom, like this. This was initially. And then I realized, oh, I'm channeling what?

Hope Fitzgerald:

Because the practices that emerged one two, three, one per week ready for the weekend. I could never have predicted. They've used language I don't use and they were beautiful and they were something I don't know. They were out of this world. So I went into that first weekend just shaking, quaking in my boots that either I'm going to be carted off at the end of this as a completely crazy person or is this going to have meaning for people. Skip to the end of the story. After three months I had done one weekend workshop. I doused for what I should do One weekend workshop per month. Three full weekends is the full workshop. Each month there were three new practices.

Hope Fitzgerald:

When I got to the end of this thing and looked back, I saw that all nine practices were a step-by-step process for spiritual evolution. Everybody went in wanting something like that and at the end everybody had People who were about to get divorced did not get divorced, people who needed jobs got jobs. People who were ill got better. But, most importantly, everybody's joy quotient went skyrocketing up. And it wasn't just that. It was for the weekend, which I was really looking for, because everybody feels good after a weekend. It lasted, it had legs and this nine-step process really. I stood back and went wow this, wow, this is something. But I had to test it again, so I did another one and another one. So by the end of September we had some people repeat the course because it was so impactful for them.

Hope Fitzgerald:

And then we had new people and a few new practices came in as well, but it was the basis of those original nine that by September the end of September I looked back and I said, okay, I guess this is something and that's how it all started. And then there were an incredible number of paranormal events that happened immediately preceding the wave, coming in during the first workshops and for a year or so afterwards. And my first book is basically a handbook from the story I've just told, maybe a little more detail and then how to use the wave, because that was my guide team has been on me for 10 years to get that book done and I finally did and I didn't want to write it. I was stalling, oh my gosh.

Hope Fitzgerald:

But I'm writing a second book that are all the paranormal events that happen my out on a limb, book that you know, when we start to evolve, consciously evolve, the world starts to look very different and our perceptions change dramatically, change dramatically. Sometimes it can be a little unnerving. I would say that's a good word for it, because we're used to seeing a particular way and when we begin to see a different way, it rattles. It can be rattling. So my purpose in writing the second book is to say it's okay, hang in there, just keep going and you won't regret it. By sharing some of my experiences, I hope it's encouraging to others.

Julie Hilsen:

Absolutely Wow. Well, I just love your themes that have driven your process. I mean it's like surrender, embrace, change. And then I thought it was really cool that the divinity of three, when you first saw it, was like past, you know, present and future and and these guides were going to help you get there. It's a beautiful story and a testament to to you know, asking God to show how you can. You know, show you how you can be your best self to shine your light. And it is scary. So I applaud you. And very vulnerable.

Julie Hilsen:

I remember when I was putting out my book I'm like, are people going to still talk to me? I was just like I don't know. And then I wrote it and I was like, well, maybe I'll tell a couple of people that I wrote this, just put it on the internet and see who looks at it. And it is. It's a big leap to just say here I am, here's my story, you know, and so I identify with that so much and there's just so much wisdom and really, really great stuff. And I just I'm curious about you know, the water and the voices are low like, almost like a whale, a whale speech. It made me when you said the low, slow voice, I immediately thought of, you know, finding Nemo and the whales and how they talk. It's so fun and it's joyful and it's light and and I mean, have you, have you connected with any Atlantean energy or Lumerian, or or do you think it's totally another dimension, like nothing of earth?

Hope Fitzgerald:

No, it's not of earth. And first of all, the, the infinity sign has been around forever, so it's it's a combination of the infinity, geometry and the water. So the water is such a big part of this Well water isn't even fully understood at this even today.

Hope Fitzgerald:

Scientists are like well, it's this, it's that, what could it be? It's just so powerful. As we know now, with all the different studies that have been done, water carries memory. Water is conscious. I believe 100% water is conscious. I do the wave with water. I will wave the ocean, I will wave the rivers, I'll wave the water in my bathtub, I wave the water in my shower, I wave all water as much as possible, because that is imprinting the water with the love and compassion, and the water goes down the drain and it goes out to many places. Well, now that water carries the memory of the infinity of the love and compassion in this geometry, the geometry represents balance, it represents as above, so below. It represents equality, it represents, in the middle, those. I'm going to show the picture, if that's okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course. Okay. So where these cross, they don't touch, there's a gap. Okay, so that the flow is infinite. The flow continues like that.

Hope Fitzgerald:

What we see here, we can call this the zero point or the nexus point. We see a number of things. We see expansion and contraction. Expansion and contraction, which is the natural flow of the universe. Everything expands, everything contracts. That's just part of the natural world. That's how it works. So we too are expanding and contracting, and you can see whether you turn it this way or this way.

Hope Fitzgerald:

There's no judgment about where you are in the process. If you're in an expansion phase, that's fine. Then you're going to enter a contraction phase, and that's fine, then you're going to go, and what's cool is wherever we are on the journey. You can doubt use that again, but you can determine where you are. When you know you're entering an expansion phase, then you know oh, it's appropriate for me to be reaching out, be finding a new teacher, be finding a new book, be finding a new philosophy, be finding all of these things. If you find you're in a contraction phase, it might be time to integrate all that. It might be time to find stillness, and this could happen in a day or right. It's an ongoing pattern happening on multiple levels all the time. So it's kind of cool to think of us. And the other part of it is it's always moving. We might feel stuck. We might feel stuck, but we're not. It's always moving.

Hope Fitzgerald:

So, that's comforting. That's so comforting it is. We're always. This too shall pass right.

Julie Hilsen:

Yes, yes, it's so comforting and while they're soothing, you know, like when you have stress and you take a nice bath and you know it helps you release that tension. Or you know you bang your shin and you put ice on your shin and it helps the inflammation and helps your bones and your muscles feel better. And, like you said, all the states of water, vapor, boiling, you know heat, cold, ice. And I have a book, the Elements of Water. It's like 800 pages and I'm totally into this. I can tell you Hope this is so in my wheelhouse. Like I go out, I bless the water in my pool and I never thought about bringing, I never knew about the infinity, but I do. I go out and I've sent love to the ocean when I see it and I think about the water going down the drain, going into the city, municipality and and you know we're all connected, we're all one and water connects us all. Yes, it's a symbol, it's a, it's evidence, it's. It's like you said you wanted affirmation. It's the complete affirmation. I mean water is life.

Hope Fitzgerald:

Yeah, I water's life. Yeah, I just adore this so much. I love that you're into it so much, julie. That's fantastic. I'm actually going to do a podcast in a few weeks just about water. There's a wonderful woman named Veda Austin, I don't know.

Julie Hilsen:

Yes, with her pictures. Oh, she's from New Zealand. Huge, oh my gosh, you're going to have such a good time.

Hope Fitzgerald:

Yeah, I'm really excited, but I've been in this water rabbit hole, so to speak. It's kind of strange bringing together metaphors there, but I took a deep dive, obviously, when this happened. And it was revelatory.

Julie Hilsen:


Hope Fitzgerald:

I fell in love. I fell in love with water, literally fell in love, and water has spoken to me. Water has. It's just been amazing. So I love that you're doing it and I love that we're talking about it and that your audience starts to get if they don't already know that, they start to get curious about it.

Julie Hilsen:

Right, and you talk about in your book letting go of things that no longer serve you, and that's a huge practice for me. I get in the shower and I'm, like you know, ask the water to help me. It's not just cleaning my body, I'm asking it to remove things from my aura that no longer serve me. And you know, it's just, it really is refreshing and I I never was really into that, but you know, bless her soul, my mother-in-law would always be like, was it a? Did you have a fantastic shower? And I thought that was like the weirdest thing she'd ever ask. I was like, why does she care about my shower? And then I realized she was connected. I mean, she was into mermaids and, as I'm, you know, we're going through her estate and the things that she loved. She was very connected to water.

Julie Hilsen:

So it's been in the last 10 years where I've I sort of connected with that. And you know just, there's no coincidences. Things happen for a reason and and I just want to acknowledge the power of the symbol because you know, our words have charge, our words have memories and and things that you know, anything we say can be interpreted in a different way because our words are varied, but you look at a symbol and that's all it is. You don't need the words and even though you described it contraction and expansion but as a person tuning into a symbol, it gives you the purity of the message and it's universal. And that also brings us back into we are one.

Hope Fitzgerald:

I'm so glad you said that because of the many things that have been told to me now over the years about the wave from my guide team, one is that this geometry cannot be distorted. Cannot be distorted. No, so it's not a religion in and of itself, but it is a powerful symbol to help us in our spirituality, in our spiritual growth. And all you have to do is see the symbol or imagine the symbol, and in my book I tell a bunch of different ways to use it, to have it start working with you, to invite it to dance with you, like if you're sitting in traffic, you know, just do the wave on yourself and do the wave on the traffic and it'll start to move. It just automatically happens. Can I tell you a funny story about the eclipse?

Julie Hilsen:

Absolutely, absolutely. Just to give a little context, the eclipse happened yesterday. We're recording the day after.

Hope Fitzgerald:

Yes. So A friend of mine is a master dowser from Scotland and he and his wife flew over to the States to go to Vermont to see the totality at a particular place where there's a stone circle and it's considered to be a kind of clock. So there they were, and as a dowser, he's measuring the energy lines that run through the circle. So there are two and they are of a certain width. I don't know how wide they were, but you can measure them with the dowsing. And at some point, as the eclipse had started but was not at totality, a guy on a big, fat electric bike rides right into the center of the circle. Now there are a lot of people there, so he's.

Hope Fitzgerald:

I don't know how he got in, but anyway rides right into the center, drops circle Now there are a lot of people there, so he's I don't know how he got in, but anyway rides right into the center, drops a box for tips and starts playing the didgeridoo. And then when people said what? You know, we're trying to meditate, we're whatever it was, we're enjoying the quiet. You know, he got very belligerent and aggressive and started carrying on and people started getting upset. So, my friend, we had worked with the infinity wave when I did it. I do group trips to places around the world every year and last September was Scotland and he worked with us a little bit. So anyway, he started doing the infinity wave on the guy as he was ranting and raving and he immediately calmed down. He picked up his box and his didgeridoo, got on his bike and he left.

Hope Fitzgerald:

And that's the kind of thing when you, instead of resisting the guy, getting angry at his belligerence and his interruptions and all that stuff, instead of that, if you send him love and compassion, that's just in the wave. You don't have to. He didn't, my friend didn't go. Oh, I've got to get the love and compassion. No, he just used the wave and the guy completely. He rose to his better self with a dose of love and compassion. That was very powerful. A dose of love and compassion, that was very powerful. So it's relaxing, it's peacemaking, but it's also powerful to change a dynamic in a very short amount of time and literally an instant. So that demonstrates just and plus. When you send it to somebody, it's coming back to you.

Julie Hilsen:

It's. You know you send it out, it comes right back. So it puts you in a state of love and compassion very, very quickly. And it doesn't have to be this grandiose gesture, it doesn't have to be a class. Sometimes it's just showing up and sending someone love and compassion and this is a wonderful way to do that in your everyday. You know it's a I'm going to use a water metal for it's a ripple effect, you know is there's so many ways you can go, yeah, so, yeah, I, I encourage people.

Julie Hilsen:

Your the um kindle was like 115 pages, so this isn't a a huge textbook. This is a very approachable skinny guidebook. So I I'll put a link to um, purchase it on amazon, um, and if anyone's interested, there's. There's little things you can do to serve and then, like you said, it comes back to you.

Julie Hilsen:

But sometimes it's easier to show up for others and then see the magic happening, because it is a paradigm shift that if you consider that you hold power, that you can be part of something, and I know that it was scary to me at first when I thought about I was like, well, I don't want to deal with anything dark, but there's nothing dark with positive, loving intention, like it trumps anything that could be an interference, like nothing else can be there. I'm just telling people because if you're like, well, that's just sounds a little well, that's, that's something that's in our past, like that, that would be like Salem witch trial stuff. Or you know people who are persecuted because they were healers in the past, because they knew about herbs right, or you know, we've been through some dark times in history and those are things that are we're working through, that we have to release. So I'm sending an infinity, infinity wave to any of those paradigms that you can't show up and make a difference, because you can and you're not in danger. You're held. You're held by us and we're standing testament.

Julie Hilsen:

Hope's gone a huge, a huge way in showing up for herself and others. So I just appreciate this so much and your website is spreading spreadinfinitehopecom and that you have so much there. If you, if anyone's interested in finding more about hope and what she's doing, I invite you to go there. And, gosh, was there anything else where we're reaching our time?

Hope Fitzgerald:

I mean there's a ton more, but we packed it pretty well. I will say that I offer free Monday night meditations. That started that did start in 2020. Nice, as a way to do something during the lockdown period. I just I thought, okay, I got to do something. And those have continued uninterrupted ever since. And those have continued uninterrupted ever since they are now. I openly channel the meditation. It's not me and we've had a series of incredible etheric teachers and groups that have come to teach us and help us continue to evolve. So those are everybody's welcome to join and would love to have you.

Julie Hilsen:


Hope Fitzgerald:

So if that's on your website. Is it under what heading is it under? What people need to do is to sign up for my website and then they get my weekly blog. I write a weekly blog and I and I have write a weekly invitation to the meditation.

Julie Hilsen:

And that was at the bottom. I saw the sign up for free offers and, okay, great, awesome, I'm going to check that out. And I do have to tell you, and I want to share too I'm involved with Sisterhood of the Rose, and the most recent meditation that the international group has put out was picturing a rose in your heart and then your reproductive area in your solar plexus, and you picture an infinity loop going between the hearts to connect your heart wisdom and your womb wisdom and those energies, and it's a very powerful meditation. So, if anyone's you know, it seems like the infinity is really at the cusp of what we're, what we're, the revolution, the evolution that is happening spiritually, and so I think we're going to see more and more of this. But it just came to me that the sister to the rose is really connected with that.

Julie Hilsen:

And and water has always been a divine feminine. Women go to the well to get the water, or water breaks before we give birth. I mean, there's so much that you know we as women, we bathe our children. You know it's such a precious time and, gosh, we didn't even talk about the death doula. Maybe we should come back. Hope, I adored this conversation and you're welcome back anytime.

Hope Fitzgerald:

Thank, you, Julie. It was really a pleasure. Thank you so much.