Life of Love with Julie Hilsen

Embracing the Divine: A Journey of Near-Death Experiences and Spiritual Awakening

Julie Hilsen Season 3 Episode 8

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Have you ever stood at the crossroads of disbelief and wonder, questioning the existence of something more? Cathy Gabrielsen, our guest, faced mortality head-on not once, but twice, and emerged with stories that bridge our world with the next. At just 18, a car accident thrust her into the beyond—later, a fight with breast cancer did the same. Both events led her down a path of ministry and a dedication to healing others. Her narrative isn't just a recounting of the afterlife's nuances—with degrees of glory and varied spiritual echelons—but a beacon, illuminating the divine purpose threaded within us all.

Life's trials often obscure our connection to the spiritual realm, yet Cathy's experiences carve a channel of hope through the densest of fogs. As she shares the intimate details of her transformative journey, we're reminded that self-healing is the precursor to helping others heal. From divine encounters of light and darkness to the guiding hands of a higher power offering forgiveness, Kathy's testimony is a potent reminder of our divine essence. Embrace the possibility that life's signs and whispers might be nudging you towards your own spiritual awakening.

On the precipice of the unknown, Cathy imparts a final wisdom: embracing our inner divinity and finding alignment with our soul's purpose can elevate our existence to new service heights. Together, we dissect the importance of heart-centered living and the joyous ripple effect of sharing personal insights. Whether it's through community, literature, or Cathy's profound experiences, we're assured—no one walks their spiritual path alone. So, let your heart open, let the spirit of joy envelop you, and prepare to be inspired by the power of the divine and the endless horizon of our collective purpose on Earth.

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Julie Hilsen:

Life of Love. Life of Love. Life of Love with Julie Hilsen. Hello, dear friends, and welcome to another episode of Life of Love, where we gather to explore the curiosities of every day and think about how spirituality is working for us and through us, and today we have a really special guest, Cathy Gabrielsen. She is a spirit of joy and I've just enjoyed getting to meet her behind the scenes and our connections of just higher consciousness and light and love, and so she's a really outstanding guest for Life of Love and I'm honored to have her. She has had a path. I'm going to let her share the exciting things that she's gone through her journeys and just absorb what she's bringing us today, because it's such a gift. And so, without further ado, welcome Kathy to Life of Love. Thanks for being here.

Cathy Gabrielson:

Hi, julie, I'm so excited to be here. Thanks so much for having me. Like I said, it's my honor.

Julie Hilsen:

I was talking about that movie After Death and it's the New Angel Studios production. It came out in theaters the end of October. Even though you haven't seen it, you've been in this realm right and you've actually written two books about your near-death experiences, so it's just such a great blessing to get to talk to somebody who's seen beyond the veil. So that's a really big reason of why I was drawn to you and your energy. So, oh my gosh, can you? I mean, I don't want you to have to recap both of your near-death experiences, but what do you like to share with people to bring them into your reality? Like, what's the snapshot of having a near-death experience? And let's just start there.

Cathy Gabrielson:

What is, oh man? Well, the first time I had a near-death experience I was only 18. And I was raised in a very conservative Catholic family, wonderful upbringing, really connected to Mary and the saints. But it was also the whole worthy thing. I'm not divine, I'm not a holy or blessed person, and so when I had my first experience after being in a really serious car accident, and I knew that I had had this experience, I couldn't tell anybody. It was just that was really hard, not feeling worthy to have received that incredible blessing of being in the light. But now I've learned completely the opposite that we are divine, that we are holy, that we can be blessed, we can be saints, all these great things. And so it was really. I realized after I had the near-death experiences that I needed to share the message of what it's like in the light and, most importantly, how I was living. I wasn't living the way that I should have been living, and they were just reminders to me of how really to live.

Julie Hilsen:

Wow, so that was the 18, or then, when was your next one? I don't want to jump, I'm not glossing over the first one, I'm just curious.

Cathy Gabrielson:

No, so the first one I said I was in a really bad car accident and I was in it. We were driving on an old windy road and my boyfriend and I at the time went off the road and down to a big ditch and we went deep into the ditch and kind of in the mud and everything was smashed. The car was all smashed. There was no windows, I don't even think there was a door, and my boyfriend at the time was, he was moaning and he just he only said a couple of things. He asked if I was okay and then he said he needed help and that was it, and we were in the car.

Cathy Gabrielson:

What felt like an eternity, because we were just in this mud bank and I was alone and I was scared and I was just drawn to the sky. I was just drawn to look up. Maybe it was the stars, but then there was just a pull, like a really strong pull to be there. And then I was there and it was really powerful and I remember seeing beings and spirits and it was like they were having conversations about me, kind of like. I was like what are you guys talking about right here?

Cathy Gabrielson:

But I just realized and was really guided to know that it was not my time and I had to come back. And then, when I came back from that near-death experience, I became a minister. All I wanted to do was be in church. I wanted to be healing, I wanted to be helping people. And then I had a second near-death experience, after a surgery related to my breast cancer and I had sepsis and that was bleeding internally. Now that was a totally different story, because I guess I didn't get the message the first go around, so then they brought me back again and I really believe that that was the case.

Julie Hilsen:

Wow, so okay, so I do want to.

Cathy Gabrielson:

The second near-death was way more. It was longer, it was more of an experience. It was like the experience of really dying, of hovering over my bed, of going in and out of the light. So that was a much. And what I learned in that near-death experience were that there are degrees of glory in heaven and that, you know, there's levels and spirit that we can be with. And that was a really good. I was good to know that's really good.

Julie Hilsen:

Well, that's what I was going to ask you First of all. I mean, you're not the only one who's felt like they couldn't talk about it, and that was what the cool thing about the after death movie was that that was a commonality that the Atlanta cardiologist went and interviewed all these people and they're like, well, I couldn't tell anybody because they think I was crazy. And you know, it's like this, this hush, hush and and like you said, we as bring, bring, brought up the Catholic you're supposed to, the Mary is teaching us to be. You know what they, what the agenda that's taught, is that you're subservient, that you're quiet, you're not boastful, you're not showy, you're, you're there to support and unconditional love, which is beautiful, but it's, it's not a very empowering message of Mary, which I I don't know if you can tell, because you can read, you read energy, and Mother Mary, mary Magdalene those are my girls Like, oh, you're talking.

Cathy Gabrielson:

I mean, she's like right here, she's on my side every day and I truly believe that she saved me. I truly believed in my second near death that she brought me to the light and she also sent me. Like you know, I truly believe that she filled me Because when I was, I was bleeding internally and my lungs were filling up with blood, I was battling sepsis and had a surgery and I kept saying, you know, holy Spirit, fill me with your light. And I believe she is Holy Spirit and I truly believe that she really saved me that night.

Julie Hilsen:

That's the message I always get, this empowerment, that that you're divine, that you're worthy, and I just get chills down the side of my body when you're telling me that, when you're telling me that she filled you up, that she, she, wanted to give you this download like you were, you're following the ministry, you were doing things, but I think she wanted to tell you had another level you could level up, and to let you know there's another level.

Cathy Gabrielson:

Yeah, she did, wow, yeah, no, I truly believe it was. It was my death was a message, like I said, how to live? I, you know, I always had that yearning. You know, I felt a calling when I to service and to God, when I was in, you know, six years old, you know, when I was, you know, sitting at my desk and the nuns were saying, you know, pray for your vocation, and calling, and I was like, please don't you know. And I, like I knew I was being called but I just like, I just want to be a mom, just want to be a normal person Right.

Julie Hilsen:

Let me be normal.

Cathy Gabrielson:

But I remember and she said you'll hear it in your heart and I remember hearing it. I remember that day very vividly. But I knew, but I spent the majority of my life helping other people but just not living in alignment with my own needs and wants and spirit and I needed to learn how to do that. And she was very instrumental in helping me and has been.

Julie Hilsen:

Wow. So I mean your website's amazing. I encourage anyone to go there. But I picked up a flavor of you're not only helping yourself and being a spiritual leader, but you also are helping other people who are struggling with their near death experiences. And so tell me, do you, do you talk to a lot of people, or are there commonalities with your seeing going to the light and theirs? Are you able to get stories of other people too, and how are you helping them deal with, with what they went through? Because there's definitely as a reacclamation, like you get to that light and I understand it's just so unconditional and a lot of people don't even want to come back. I mean, it's like you have to go back.

Cathy Gabrielson:

Yeah, yeah, no, my second near death experience. I it was like I was welcomed home and I was kind of high fiving on my family and all of a sudden I see all the saints that I've prayed to and I'm seeing all the angels and I'm hearing the Sarah from singing and then I see Jesus and he's saying you know, I see Mary, but he kept shaking his head and put me in his arms and I knew I had to come home, but I was like it was. I understood I needed to heal other people, but I couldn't heal people until I was able to really heal myself and get back in touch with my, my divine self, with, with the divinity within me, the power to heal. And I had to work on my heart and I did. And you know I love the work in the near death community and speak and go to the ions, events and stuff because they really are so helpful.

Cathy Gabrielson:

I was, you know, when people have a near death experience, they have a trauma that leads to the near death experience, whether it's an accident, abuse, an illness. You know a disease and it's healing, coming back, but you know coming back and being rejected by the light because you're coming home, you know, but also healing the trauma of of having the experience and some people you know I was, I had my first near death was different from my second. They're all very similar, but there's also people that have not had really beautiful, blissful experiences. They've had really dark, they've gone to different places than I went. But yes, that's it in the movie and I was like oh yeah, the one guy was getting bitten by demons, Like they were.

Julie Hilsen:

He was fighting them. He didn't want to be there and they were grabbing and pulling at him and he's like they started biting me.

Cathy Gabrielson:

Oh yeah, I do believe that eventually you would get to the light. I do believe that eventually the dark will turn to the light. I do believe, I've always believed that I do, and I've heard a number of those stories and they're unsettling, but in the end, you know, the light will prevail.

Julie Hilsen:

Yeah, that was. That was there too in the movie.

Cathy Gabrielson:

I don't want to ruin the movie for you or anyone else, what was his emotional state like before he went to the?

Julie Hilsen:

dark, he was giving up on life, he was trying to overdose. And then another, the other one who had a negative experience, he was, he wasn't living his best life, he wasn't being true to his family, he wasn't giving his all. He was living in what we like to call complete ego, like just living my material life and and just checking off boxes, basically. And when they both one called out to Jesus and one called out to God, and immediately their situation was changed from falling, both of them had experience of dark falling yeah, like sinking deeply, but, but.

Cathy Gabrielson:

but the light came in, but then light ended up coming.

Julie Hilsen:

Yeah, but I mean that's what.

Julie Hilsen:

That's what the wild thing is.

Julie Hilsen:

We don't hear from somebody who, who, who didn't, who kept going to the dark you know what I mean Just as we don't hear from someone who keeps going to the light and gets all the way to heaven and it doesn't come back Like all we have and you know who knows. I mean there's, there's so many people who don't share their story, so I don't, you know, like I guess anything's possible, but I would, I would hope that you know that people, you know if you're, if you're struggling with belief, to just hold on to the idea that you're a divine being and God, god put you here for a reason, and I know a lot of people have trouble believing in God. So you know that's something to explore and you know, maybe there's signs that need to be seen or I don't know. I want to tell people how to live their lives, but if you, if you look at somebody's report of a near death and as soon as they said God or thought about God helping them, they were relieved and forgiven, like that's pretty powerful.

Cathy Gabrielson:

I know it's, it's, it's so much of what was what we believe, so many of us believe is is not the experience of what it's like on the other side and and you know, you know, when I, when I, you know you can see, I can see spirits and work with spirits and other realms and and and I understood this in my near death experience too that there's the light and then there's that space right before it where people are hovering because they're so, they are afraid that they're not going to get in. And you know, you know I had a couple of shared death experiences and I would just say like go, just keep going, don't stop. You know you will, you are welcome in the light, and that's one of the messages that there's. There's so many souls that are waiting and stuck because they're not thinking that they'll get in. You know that's, that's really sad.

Julie Hilsen:

That's really sad and I mean, from your experience, do you believe that if we, if we pray to our, our deceased loved ones, and just be like, hey, you know it's okay, you can go on and be with, be with Jesus, or be with grandma or you know, go find, you know like, do you believe our prayers can reach that veil of somebody who's sort of stuck and it could make a difference? Or what's your experience on that?

Cathy Gabrielson:

Yeah, I, I, I couldn't agree with you more. You know the spirit world and you know they come when they're called. I mean, and that's one of the greatest things, I mean I always say that was the greatest thing I learned. I learned so many things on the other side. But they, you go there to do work, you want to help hear us and they, you know we lose our physical body, but their spirit is so alive and so powerful. They're not going to get in the way of our plan, our sole plan. They're not going to get in the way of our sole plan, but they'll certainly certainly help us through it and be there for us and support us in ways that they can support us and help it and try to make our road easier for us. But when it comes to the death experience, yeah, they're, they're there.

Cathy Gabrielson:

You know I have helped a couple of people go to the other side and the hands come down and take them through and carry them over and, yeah, sure, ask for them to come. You know, ask for them to come. If you want somebody there, they're happy to help. They just like to be asked to help too. You know, yeah, but it's. You know that there were so many lessons that I learned, so many lessons that I learned, and one of them was, you know, really believing in ourselves and trusting our source, our God, just trusting and trusting life and forgiving life, and just you know so many, so many amazing things, but I can't wait to see that movie.

Julie Hilsen:

I know I can't wait for you to see it too. I definitely want to talk to you again after you see it. There's so many questions too, and I just how did you reacclimate? Like because you mentioned it before, it's like the trauma of being put back in your body after being hugged by Jesus, I mean after.

Cathy Gabrielson:

People say that you know my first near-death experience. I like dug a hole in myself and just buried it. You know, just I'm not telling anybody this, but I would like talk to Jesus and Mary and I'd go to church and I felt so connected and I knew I was connected at a different level but never told anybody, and I really buried the idea of what happened. But and that was a totally different experience I was so traumatized for years after that. But this one, it was the second near-death experience, when I was in the light longer and I was learning more about what I, my life and what I needed to do and I was able to see more. I knew I was there and I I realized that the emotions that are consciousness that everything continues, because I was actually sad, the one I was there. It wasn't like, oh, you know, I was, I was, I was feeling. You know, I wanted to be in his arms. I remember feeling his arms around me. I remember him holding me and looking at me and I remember wanting to stay right there and knowing I had to come back. And then, when I came back which is so interesting because you know I've had cancer and I work with thousands of cancer patients and their families and it's we see suffering so much before somebody dies. We see them in this physical state where their soul is really leaving their body and and you're, there's this, this, this, this tap of peace and light that's right there before you go to heaven. It's like you start to feel it and you're in it.

Cathy Gabrielson:

But I remember when I came back, I know I was like whispering. I whispered to my sister. She was the first person and I was like, yeah, I saw Jesus last night, you know, and I remember she looked at me and I was like, no, I really saw him. I saw him and it was the.

Cathy Gabrielson:

It was so much sadness when I came back, when I I mean, I had two young babies or young children at the time and I was happily married and everything was so great. But I had this experience of what life is really, what we really live for. And I came back and I and I couldn't share it without anybody and I just didn't think anybody was ever going to understand, ever understand. And that's why it's so nice to work with the people in the near-death community, because they do, and there's no judgment, and so in even my, even the my closest people that were have been my closest people all through my life. It was really hard to tell people I was in Jesus' arms and people actually believe it. And there's people that don't, and that's okay. That's okay that they don't. I do and I have my messages to share after sitting in his arms.

Julie Hilsen:

That's how I tell people take what serves you and leave what doesn't. I mean, if it's not your time to hear this, then it's okay, but I just, I adore. I adore the experience of hearing what you have to say and just being a platform in this vessel to just get curious to say, hey, there are different ways to experience this life and ways to look at it that not even the priests or any religious person. This isn't a religious thing, this is a spirituality thing. This isn't one religion or another, this is humanity. This gets to why we're here. No one can tell us. We have to experience. I love, and it's an empowered message. It's like you're in charge, like you're making the choices. No one's coming and grabbing you. You have to ask them to grab you. It's like you have to put your hand out. And what a great message for how to live your life Believe that you're worthy, that you're divine, and put your hand out, because we always do so much, but doing for others is not enough, because that's not our joy. I hear you.

Cathy Gabrielson:

And I always say giving from your heart is endless. I could give for days, nights, weeks, years. If I'm giving from my heart, but if I'm giving out of guilt and shame, I'm gonna give from the energy in my body and I'm gonna get depleted, I'm gonna get sick and I'm gonna get tired. But I lived a life of service. After my accident my boyfriend was brain injured and I spent years at his side and I spent years working with the brain injured community and then he was only able to blink his eyes after the accident. Nothing else, just blink his eyes for almost 19 years.

Cathy Gabrielson:

And then I got cancer and I started work with the cancer community and built a nonprofit and worked really well with the cancer community and I just kept always working and being of service for other people. And when I died the second time I knew I was dying because I had. I just knew, because I'm certain, because I had done it before and I knew what was happening. I told my family I think I'm dying. But when I went to the other side that time it was really the mess. I thought oh yeah, okay, well, I'm in, I'm in.

Julie Hilsen:

You look good, I'm good, I did it. This is my return ticket.

Cathy Gabrielson:

I'm good, you don't worry. No, so I had lived this life of service and so the second time I went and I knew I was going, I was like I'm in, I worked for this. And so I was like here I'm going. I was like woo-hoo. And I remember going in, not like I was cocky, like yeah, I made it, I'm in the light now, but I thought I was gonna stay.

Cathy Gabrielson:

And then when I saw Jesus, I thought he was gonna say welcome my daughter, kathleen. And he said you have more work to do. And I thought more work, what the heck? I just felt my whole life working for you. I was so in service, but I had to recognize myself that he put me on this earth for a reason and I wasn't living my sole purpose. I was too busy living everybody else's and making sure that they stayed in alignment with theirs. I just had to find mine and I had to do his work and he's blessed me with spiritual gifts of healing and helping people. But I had to do that and he had to remind me. He tried to remind me the first time and I didn't listen. And they sure reminded me and got to. The message got through after the second, because I'm gonna get in the third time's gonna be a charm for me. It's not gonna be for a long time. I love it.

Julie Hilsen:

And then you're right. That's the work is, when you look at yourself, it's easy to look at someone else and say, oh, I'm gonna help you. I'm gonna because you're deflecting your pain, you're deflecting any deficiency that you don't wanna look at, it's like. And it's easier to get approval from someone else than to tell yourself I really rock that out. I'm God's daughter, I'm pretty cool, because we're not taught to give ourselves credit. We're just not. It's not part of the programming. So I mean, if that's one thing I try to instill on my kids, or any young people I'm around, is to teach them to be their own advocate, to be their own cheerleader, to acknowledge and know that you're showing up as your best, even if you miss the mark. You put yourself out there and that's what matters. God didn't put us here to be perfect.

Cathy Gabrielson:

He didn't no, not at all, that's for sure. But he did put us here to do work and uplift humanity. But we can't uplift humanity and help other people unless we've taken care of ourselves. He can't move through a heart that's not pure. He can't move. We have to be able to heal ourselves so that he can work through us really. And I needed to heal myself. I had to get rid of what I understood is the attachments that keep us low, keep us lower vibe, keep us not able to connect. That's the fear and the anxiety and the shame and the guilt and the feelings of selfless, not loving ourselves and not speaking up for ourselves and not judging ourselves, and all these things. I had to really align again, touch with myself really so that I could care for those things.

Julie Hilsen:

Oh, you had a beautiful journey, and that's what I wanted to ask you. Is that? What did you do? First? You had to heal from the sepsis, and then you just asked the universe to bring you what you needed to heal. What was your next step, when you were strong enough to go to your spirituality to start the work? How did you know what to do first?

Cathy Gabrielson:

Well, the first near-death experience, I went to the Dark Knight of the Soul because I didn't get in and I just thought I just wasn't a good enough human being and I was really, really in a dark place for years. And then, after the second near-death experience, I wanted to get into the light and I thought that I had done enough work and clearly I wasn't doing what I was called to do in this lifetime or chose to do in this lifetime, and I didn't get the one thing I was. So I came back from my second near-death experience with debilitating PTSD, anxiety and depression, as do many near-death experiencers, because it nearly died and you've suffered a trauma, but Jesus and Mary and all the amazing angels and everybody in heaven and my ancestors nobody gave me a playbook when I came back. They just said get back.

Cathy Gabrielson:

Yeah, that's what I'm saying the work Like what's the work.

Julie Hilsen:

How did you start Somebody?

Cathy Gabrielson:

please tell me, what do I have to do? And I realized in a lot of reflection I was spending a lot of time alone because I was so depressed and I realized that the only thing I hadn't done was myself. I just never, never understood or really did myself. And I had to get to know myself. And that was the very beginning I really hit the floor. I had suicidal ideation.

Cathy Gabrielson:

I was seeing a psychiatrist, I was really really not well and the first thing I did was I had to figure out myself, I had to get to know myself. And then I spent a lot of time journaling and praying and praying for guidance. And then it led me into the energy healing, the spiritual space where I really learned how to connect and how to heal. And through meditation, journaling, really spending a lot of time in nature and being of service, still I was really able to heal. Meditation was key. I had always prayed, but meditation was really listening, being able to listen to God and hear the messages of what I was supposed to do. And that's where my guidance came in, that's where the rulebook came in.

Julie Hilsen:

The book of what to do came in during meditation Perfect because you purified your heart, you opened it and said what can I learn here?

Cathy Gabrielson:

Yeah, that was it Forgiving myself, forgiving life, forgiving the situations and letting go really was a help to open my heart and really understand what it was to experience love and feel the love. And then, when you find Jesus or your source or whoever your listener's source is, when you start to feel that source in your body, you're able to feel that love.

Julie Hilsen:

It is, and you have two boys who are young adults and you maintained your marriage through all this.

Cathy Gabrielson:

Yes, I did you know, I would say you know, when I was dying that second time I had. My kids were young at the time. I think they were, you know, eight and 10. They were three and one when I had breast cancer, but they were eight and 10 when I had that near-death experience and I was really sick and I was not around for a while. But I remember when I was leaving in that piece, knowing that they were gonna be okay, that everybody when I died was gonna be okay and they would have been and they would have been. I just knew that they were gonna be okay. But they survived it and my husband was amazing and he loved me tenderly. Through all of my stuff, all those dark nights of the soul, oh, my stuff, oh, through my cancer, through my bandages, through my drains, through my sicknesses, he was always there. I got an angel. Really, god's giving him to me and I'm so blessed to have him.

Julie Hilsen:

That's so cool. Yeah, so you know you mentioned, you saw the saints and you saw family and Jesus. Did you see God? Did you feel God? How you know like cause, that's like you know, it's like source energy, it's like this creative. However, however it hits you that's how it's hitting me lately is God, is this impetus, it's like this unlimited creative energetic force, and it's, and the God source energy is very strong. But did you get any impression that you were in God's presence or how did or was it representative there?

Cathy Gabrielson:

That's a really good question, Cause people have said you know what's God?

Cathy Gabrielson:

Like you know, I don't see God and I didn't see God in that moment, but you feel it, you know, you feel it, you feel it in that moment, in that light, is the God force. Like you said, it is a force of, and truly it's a force of love. It's just the energy of pure love and it's so powerful, and one of the greatest gifts that I could share with other people is that the power of God in heaven is as accessible to us right here. I didn't. I don't have to die to experience the relationship with Jesus or whoever your God is or your divine feminine minds marry. I, you know that's, I can feel their presence as close to me today, living on this earth, as I did in heaven, and they are available to all of us, all of our guides, all of all of all. They're all available to help us, to support us, to be with us, and a great gift of dying was that I realized that I don't have to die to be with them.

Julie Hilsen:

You know, like, yeah, and your message is that it's not just you, it's everybody. Yeah Right, I mean it's available.

Cathy Gabrielson:

I'm not any different than anybody else. We're you, we're not different from anybody. Everybody has it, and the message is that that you know, we are the power, we are the glory, we are it, we are the kingdom of heaven. We are, we are, we hold it within us, and it's just and if and if. If, people just trust it and said, okay, I didn't believe it before, but I'll try it, I'll test it, I'll see it. What have you got?

Julie Hilsen:

to lose. I know you live a happier life, you're more present, you're, you know, like, what's the downside of of trying? Yeah, like dipping your feet in the water, and we just I got to see a Broadway show last night, the Wiz.

Julie Hilsen:

Oh, I've never heard of that it's the, it's the Motown version of Wizard of Oz. Oh, wow, so good it's, it was so good, but the and I don't want to ruin the whole show for you, but it goes back to you know, you know Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz, you know, and there's a Dorothy in this one too. And the message is you know, you have the power, you have the magic shoes on. It's you clicking? It's not, it's not us, it's not the Wiz, you know, it's it's you. And it's that, that belief that, yes, you can. Yeah, all you have to do is ask and click your heels together three times and it's right freaking there, I know. So this is the same message. Yeah, it's beautiful, yeah.

Cathy Gabrielson:

Yeah, yeah, there's no veil. Really, truly there's nothing. There's no separation, there's no distance, there's nothing. Yeah, no, but you've really got me into some now. I got some. I got some stuff to do. I got to watch a movie, I got to watch a show. You didn't go to the.

Julie Hilsen:

Broadway show. I know, I know I got things to do. Well, that's what Spirit gave me these tickets, because my father-in-law, he passed away in May but he had bought a series of tickets to the Fox. It's a really great theater, historic theater in Atlanta, and it was part of. He had all these tickets and who's going to use them? Cause you know, my, my, my husband's brother, they have their own tickets and Mitch and I usually don't go because we live like an hour away and it's really hard to get there at a Tuesday night. But but we accepted, we were like, okay, we'll go, we're going to, we're going to use these tickets and it's just been such a blessing and I sit in the seat and think about Mitch's mom being in the same seat and you know, and it's just like it's so precious and I know that they're right there watching the shows with us. So it all it's like one big circle, cause we're talking about it's all right there, they're right there. We just can't see them through this meat suit that we have.

Cathy Gabrielson:

Yeah Well, you just start by feeling them, you know, closing your eyes and feeling the presence you know and being like a little kid. It doesn't have any limitations. You know and use your imagination.

Julie Hilsen:

Yeah, forget about what you think you know and just experience what you can. Yeah, cause this isn't about knowledge. I mean, you can go to people who can help you, but this isn't about reading a book and memorizing each thing. It's about picking up on the energetics of the author. It's about picking up the energetics of the method.

Cathy Gabrielson:

Yeah, it's so true, julie. I have had I have so many people I'm sure you do too that come to you and say you know, can you connect me with somebody? Can you? Can you give me any? Are there any messages for me? And I say I'm no different, you can connect at the same level. You just have to ask and be willing to receive and thank them.

Julie Hilsen:

And to hear yes and also thank, because they don't want to give something and then be like, well, did that help? Yeah, you know, like you have to say thank you.

Cathy Gabrielson:

Thank you, whether you like the answer or not, you know thank you, thank you. But I.

Julie Hilsen:

I, but I want to hear it.

Cathy Gabrielson:

You hear you've. If you ask the question to your, to your diseased grandmother or mother or whoever's in your life, and you hear the answer, you just have to believe you've heard the answer.

Julie Hilsen:

Well, I asked for signs. I mean, we were in the house that in Hilton Head where my father-in-law lived, and we couldn't find the furnace and the attic. And I'm like it's got to be up here. All the vents lead to the attic and we couldn't find the furnace. We couldn't find it. And finally I'm like, neil, can you just give us a clue? We've been looking for hours. I want to get to the beach, I want to go for a bike ride. Like this is killing me. We're wasting this whole day looking for a furnace, you know.

Julie Hilsen:

And all of a sudden I look up and there's a filter on the shelf. And I was like, well, it's got to be up in this attic, because why would he have a filter right here on the shelf. And I'd walk past that filter like eight times. We'd even gone up in that part of the attic and just said, oh, it can't be here. But it was. It was like across the whole span of the attic. We had to like crawl through the attic to find it. But you know, I was like, thank you, neil, thank you, I know. We just have to ask. It just happens. Just open yourself up to it. It's wild. It's wild and it's not like a haunting feeling. I don't feel haunted. I saw a ghost in my apartment in Milwaukee and she was definitely a ghost. She was doing her thing and I wasn't scared. But it's a totally different thing from seeing a ghost, versus talking to somebody on the other side. Yeah, it's a totally different thing.

Cathy Gabrielson:

Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I always think that ghosts, they just, they may just want help, they just might need a little, a little lift to heaven. You know, they just might need someone to take them, you know that's funny.

Julie Hilsen:

You say that because the ghost I saw was a nun and she was carrying a tray. So she was being in service, yeah, and she was. Just she didn't look around, she was just floating through my room with her tray delivering medicine or whatever it was, and I was obviously working in a hospital of some sort. And I did find out that that you know, as a duplex we rented in college and it was like a place where people stayed when they were like close to the hospital, but not maybe like a hospice type thing.

Cathy Gabrielson:

Oh I got the chance at the hospice yeah.

Julie Hilsen:

Yeah, so I mean she's just doing her thing with her head down, but maybe she got stuck because she did so much service and never, never, had a puppy.

Cathy Gabrielson:

They just don't think they're going to get they. Just, they just don't think they've done and they've been good enough. It's all about that worth that you, worthy of the light that work. Yeah, when I work with clients, I oftentimes see a trail of souls that are just like yeah, hoping that they can get a ride, and we take them, because that's our job is to bring all the souls as we can.

Julie Hilsen:

Is that? Are you astral traveling when you're doing that, or is it just a deep medicine? I'm not just, but is it a deep meditation when?

Cathy Gabrielson:

I work with, when I work with somebody in private, in my office or something, and they're coming for healing work, lots of times people have this really heavy energetic weight, or lots of times they're anxious or depressed or they just have some. They're so filled with light that they're attracting souls that want to get to the light and they just need help to get to the light. So then we just take them to the light and yeah, yeah, that's beautiful, yeah, it really is powerful, but that's what we have to do. That's what we have to do. We have to, we have to take people to the light, lead all the souls, all the souls we can.

Julie Hilsen:

And you wouldn't have found this in yourself if you didn't follow your own divinity and look at, look at the gifts that you're. You're reaching another level of service you would have never reached if you hadn't invested in your own heart Exactly.

Cathy Gabrielson:

Exactly, Sister. I know it was just a choice. I was like I had to work in the road. I was right there, I could have gone one way or the other and I don't want to come back again and have to live again and figure it out. I want to. I want to live my sole purpose, use my gifts. On behalf of Source.

Julie Hilsen:

Yeah, well, and then you know living for the highest good. I mean that's, that's where you start. Yeah, that's what I understand. Is you just ask God, show me the highest good?

Julie Hilsen:

Show me that way, yeah, and it'll happen. Oh well, you give such inspiration and I hope that someone listening if they they need a roadmap or they need some, you know dip their feet in the water that maybe they'll see the movie. They could pick up one of your books and just sort of explore, just let your mind go there and you know there's this community and nobody who has a near death experience needs to be by themselves anymore. We don't have to hide, we're beyond that. You know you're not being labeled as crazy or whatever. Whatever you think you're going to be labeled.

Cathy Gabrielson:

Yeah, yeah, there's like there's a gift in it, there's a, there's a blessing in it for you. You know Well, yes and share. Please listeners.

Julie Hilsen:

If you this makes you think of somebody share this episode, sync up with us. You know Kathy's a great resource and you know, just know, that you can live your life of love. And thanks again for all your, all your insight and love and showing up. It's been a delight.

Cathy Gabrielson:

Oh, it's been so fun. Thank you for having me, Julie. I've loved every minute. I've looked through a lot of kind Waldo for online courses in global internet police.