Life of Love with Julie Hilsen

Navigating the Multiverse and Spiritual Evolution with Audrey Arby

Julie Hilsen Season 3 Episode 36

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Have you ever wondered what lies beyond our physical existence? Join us as we welcome the extraordinary Audrey Arby, an impassioned advocate for humanity and Mother Earth, who shares her awe-inspiring journey through the multiverse and spiritual realms. Audrey's near-death experience during a critical emergency C-section unveiled higher dimensions and radiant light beings, profoundly reshaping her understanding of love, consciousness, and the vibrational realities of our universe. At 82 years young, Audrey's wisdom offers us a unique glimpse into how we can elevate our lives and harmonize with higher frequencies.

Audrey's poignant story of choosing life amidst a life-threatening condition during childbirth reveals the power of maternal instinct and the intense emotional and spiritual transformations that come with it. As she faced placenta abruptia, an encounter with benevolent beings presented her with a profound choice between life and death. Her decision to return to her physical body with renewed purpose not only underscores the resilience of the human spirit but also highlights the enduring impact of such spiritual experiences on our lives.

Navigating the intricacies of family dynamics and personal boundaries, we delve into energy healing, spiritual practices, and the importance of maintaining higher intentions. Audrey's insights into techniques for visualizing and uplifting one's energy are invaluable, particularly when paired with the transformative power of collective meditation and self-love. By integrating conscious breathing, self-compassion, and understanding our astrological blueprint, we can foster a more compassionate and supportive environment for ourselves and our loved ones. This episode is a heartfelt celebration of personal growth, love, and spiritual well-being.

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Julie Hilsen:

of love. Life of Love with Julie H. Hello, dear friends, and welcome to another episode of Life of Love, where we gather each week to explore the magic, the inspiration, the courage it takes to live your best life every day, no matter how it looks. Sometimes it's messy, and sometimes it's perfect. It's all, it's all. Actually, it's all perfect, in's all, perfect in its messiness. We're just here and adore your ears and I thank you for tuning in. I thank you for sharing these episodes and hanging out till the end. You know, if you're on YouTube, your subscription matters, so thanks again for everybody. We've had a great season and this is no exception. I have a really special guest here today. Her name's Audrey Arby and she's tuning in from Costa Rica, and I'm really excited because our birthdays are one day apart. Yay, her birthday's tomorrow and mine's on Thursday. Thanks for being here today. I really appreciate you taking this time to meet with Life of Love.

Audry Arbe:

Yes, I've been so looking forward to this. Thank you for having me.

Julie Hilsen:

Yeah, so I mean I usually give a little more background, but you know, what I know from your website and your profile when we connected was that you have a huge heart for humanity and for Mother Earth, have a huge heart for humanity and for Mother Earth and I was just so drawn to your theme, your devotion, your message and helping people live an ecological and healthy life with joy and prosperity so perfect alignment for Life of Love. I'm just so excited to soak up some of your wisdom. You said you're going to be 82. Can I say that?

Audry Arbe:

Just did, it's fine. Tomorrow I celebrate 82 years.

Julie Hilsen:

Yes, 82 years and just so much. So much life, so much wisdom, so happy birthday, thank you.

Audry Arbe:

You too, you too that decade. You can say what you want. It was a nice decade.

Julie Hilsen:

Yeah well, I'm going to be 51.

Audry Arbe:

I'm not scared to say it, I've earned every single one of those ticks on the calendar.

Julie Hilsen:

Me too, yeah, me too, yeah. So, my gosh, there's so much we could talk about and you've done so much in your career being in a spiritual realm. I really wanted to pick your brain about the multiverse, because we don't in normal conversation, the multiverse just doesn't come up. So I am delighted to get your insight into how you knew the multiverse was available. You know, spill the beans. Basically, what's your take on it?

Audry Arbe:

Okay, everyone can have their own way to look at it, and it's like we're on different realms, different energies. I will talk also about something that somebody can think they're being loving and another one it's no. It's like this the multiverse to me is one we live in what we will call the third dimensional universe, and for most people, that's it.

Julie Hilsen:

So most people are constantly in the 3D and when that is like the material things that we can touch and experience just by our five senses, right, yes, but that's not all there is.

Audry Arbe:

There's so much more. I've actually touched a few, literally. I mean I was, I'm going to say, lucky. I'm lucky to have a near-death experience. I'm lucky because I wasn't going to leave. Lucky because it was extraordinary and the part that I'll share I got to speak with the shiny light beings and nobody can tell me. People can try to tell me that I made this up or it was unreal. There's no way to make up being in a whole different kind of energy frequency whatever words one wants to use than where we are now. The level of love was huge. It was amazing. And the colors I love colors. I paint. I mean, I love colors and those are some of the frequency stones. It was astounding and I call them the shiny light beings because to me that's what they look like. It's like we have a face, it's like they had like shiny light. It's about the best I can describe it. That's like we can call it a dimensional reality, a spiritual reality. And no, these weren't ETs, by the way. For anyone who may think, I'm not saying they weren't ETs, but this was a whole higher dimension. For anyone who may think I'm not saying they were R&D teams, but this was a whole higher dimension, I can tell you from that.

Audry Arbe:

I used to be afraid of death and I'm not running to death, just so people understand that I intend to be here a long, long, long, long, long time. I have grandchildren, I have stuff yet to accomplish, stuff yet to do. Yeah, I do. Okay, it doesn't matter. 82. Switch it around if you want, I'm fine with that, but the level of love there, and no fear, it's just love. So people ask are you afraid of death? No, do I know it's going to be that exactly. No, I don't know it's going to be that exactly, but I know that exists, I know we can have it.

Audry Arbe:

I know, when I do readings, healings, before I'm on the show, I do a simple lifting process called the lifting process. That I learned from Patricia Hayes when I studied with her different than Louise Hay, to me, the multiverse, let me just. There are different vibrational realities, I think on the physical, and I don't know how to explain this because I'm not a physicist, I'm a metaphysicist, so I have my own language and words, which are not whatever that is. But that goes into Sim Harriman. Okay, he will explain stuff to you and go to what is called resonantscienceorgorg and you could learn about what he's doing.

Audry Arbe:

But there are different levels to live at. Part of it is our consciousness, part of it could be I actually feel and I'm not saying I remember how to do this yet but I actually feel we can transmute our body into other levels of frequency. I, when I meditate, I meditate pretty much every day, do breathing attunements every day and I'll do a small lifting process here. You change your frequency every day. The earth is going through something called the photon belt, does it? What is it? Every couple thousand years, 2600 years, it's a period of time. So the Earth and all of us are being shined. That's not the right grammar. Yeah, I like to say we're getting upgraded.

Julie Hilsen:

We're getting sprinkled with these. We call them neutrinos, yes.

Audry Arbe:

Yes, and that connects with us on the physical, because we're made of neutrinos and all this stuff. That again, I do not have all the words from physics, but that's part of it. It connects and if you know anything about that quantum entanglement stuff, that something can be in one part of the universe multiverse something else and if they have some connection they affect each other. It's like if one feels sad, the other making that really simple. It's not quite so simple. So to me, the multiverse is each of us to the best of our ability, shifting where we are as much as we can and connecting with each other. Because we are in the age of Aquarius To me we're at the very beginning of it, plus Pluto right now is in Aquarius. It's going to go back to Capricorn, september, at the beginning, and then complete at November 19th, and then Aquarius for the next 19 years. That's going to bring a change in consciousness and Neptune is changing signs and Uranus is changing signs like about every two years, year and a half, one after the other. The Earth is going to look and feel different and like when some people seem to be asleep. That's how I see it to be asleep. That's how I see it regarding taking care of Gaia Earth, our mom, the space from which we live, that gives us our food and myself and Julie being Cancerians, we both know how important food is and taking care of the planet and taking care of ourselves.

Audry Arbe:

There are some people and I've been this that they're so busy, quote-unquote, busy doing and doing and doing for whomever they don't do for themselves. And they think because we used to be taught once sacrifice yourself, sacrifice yourself. No, not sacrifice yourself, love yourself, love yourself and take care of yourself. And if you make decisions that could look like a sacrifice because you may not truly desire, with your ego self, to do it when you come to the place, if you come to the place that you are powerfully choosing to do, whatever that is, it's from your free choice, which is different. I don't want to do it. Okay, it's not a sacrifice.

Julie Hilsen:

Yeah, it's an act of love. It's an act of compassion or caring. You want to show up. It's not based on any self-sacrifice, it's just what you do. There's so many things. You just do it because it's not. It's not based on any self-sacrifice, it's just what you do. There's so many things. You just do it because it's in your heart. But you have to find your heart first. Yeah, I want to unpack some of what you said. I'm just like your near-death experience that is such a pivotal moment for your story, right, like what, what decade were you in? And like I want to hear, because I've interviewed a few near-death experience. I call you survivors and I applaud you for being brave to come back and show up, because everyone says I didn't want to come back.

Audry Arbe:

Everyone's like no, no, no, totally dead. I was insistent upon it. I was birthing. I was 38. I was birthing my daughter, I was having an emergency C-section, I had had a miscarriage three years prior and I wanted this child. There were no words, and I'm good with words. I've got words and books and things. I've got words. There were no words to say. And here I come with words how very much I wanted this child. Okay, and I loved her father.

Audry Arbe:

As bizarre or crazy or whatever the relationship was which is a whole other kind of conversation, and I acknowledge this, I mean I'm making peace with this. Okay, and so they blood was coming. I was having placenta abruptia, which means, for those who don't know, the placenta is literally leaving your body and when a woman is birthing a child, a baby, you need that placenta, the baby is attached to it and all that Placenta leaves, baby leaves. Okay, that is near. So this had to be done really quickly. So there I am, because they're putting whatever that thing is that puts you to sleep and can you count down? And all of a sudden I did not go through a cord or this or whatever. All of a sudden I'm in this place and I'm as real as I am here. I did not feel insubstantial. I felt me so, however you feel and identify whomever's watching, listening as you. That's how I felt, not you but me. And there were these tiny beings. Okay, there were several, and one of them I seemed to know. It was almost like hey, how have you been? And I wanted to know where I was. This wasn't where I was, this wasn't where I was, and so there was some talk. I don't remember all of it. They obviously don't want me to remember all of it, and so, whatever they said, I said no, that's not right. You're like no, nice try, I think that's the Aries ascendant. So I said no. So I tracked, when I woke up, where I was. So I said I woke up, I did this, I did that, and then I said, oh, I'm birthing my baby. They said, especially one who I seem to know that I hadn't seen in a while. He said no, your body is birthing your baby, you are here. He didn't say it quite that way, but that's what he said. So, my body, this one mostly, but there were a few others, and it was so loving, my God. It was amazing.

Audry Arbe:

I felt so safe, but I was on a mission to birth my daughter, a Cancerian woman in Western astrology, in Vedic astrology. So are you, by the way, and anyone who knows anything about the sign? Whether you like astrology or don't like astrology, that's your business. Okay, most of us have it in us to be a mother in one way, shape form or another. And so I was going to have this child.

Audry Arbe:

And so, after the talk, they gave me a choice to live or die. And this was not a threat. This was not scary, they it was. I had an option and they recommend that I. They didn't say do I go through that door over there? It was like in front of me, to the left Okay, sorry about that, that if I chose to live, it was going to be difficult. I was going to do it alone. They said, and have your child, and I'd have to take off my rose-colored glasses, which is a phrase meaning see the world more the way it was, not so much the way I might have wanted it to be.

Audry Arbe:

Well, I was so glad that was all it was that they agreed to, and I was a little tempted to go through that tour. I thought I was being tested because I knew if I went through there. I wasn't coming back. Now I'm curious so I might have been, but that wasn't it. Let me look, it's not the energy, it was this or that. I stamped my foot. I said my little foot, because then I was 5'5". Now I'm 4'10". I'm not sure how People say petite, okay, yeah, fine, because 4'10 in the smidge. And I insisted I live. And we said it a few times are you sure, you're sure? And I was yes, yes, because they wanted to make sure I understood the book, like the conditions. I think now they were actually looking ahead they're giving you a peek of the future.

Julie Hilsen:

They're like this is what you're signing up for right, which is not how I saw it.

Audry Arbe:

I thought it was like you may have to do this and that they they're giving you a peek of the future. They're like this is what you're signing up for, right? Which is not how I saw it. I thought it was like you may have to do this and that they were testing me. Would I be willing to? So yes, and after I said to me the third yes, I heard, as though from a long tunnel, as though from a long tunnel, you have a healthy baby girl, you have a healthy baby girl. And then I came back to the physical body and I felt like I clicked somehow, like clicked into the body, and that's when I got nervous. I wasn't nervous, scared or anything there in that energy. This was a different energy.

Audry Arbe:

He's now my former spouse, my ex, and he's passed on, but my then spouse was right there and I said tell me you love me. Those were the first words out of my mouth. He said that I kind of then really clicked in and I asked tell me you love me. Those were the first words out of my mouth. He said that I kind of then really clicked in and I asked how is she, you know, check the baby, check everything, because at the time my daughter was born I'm not going to name names there were situations in hospitals where there'd be people taking babies or getting wrong names or any of that stuff. So I asked him to check that and that was that, and that, in essence, was the quote, unquote, nde near death experience. The level of lovingness was huge, the colors were amazing, it felt like anything might be possible, did not want to die, that was not my time, and I wanted to have my daughter, which I now do, and have grandchildren, and that, yes.

Audry Arbe:

And is the relationship always easy? Oh my God, no, no, no. Did I do it alone? Two years later, right then, I left my ex. He died. How old is my daughter? He died when she was seven.

Audry Arbe:

I have pretty much done it alone. I mean, I have friends, don't misunderstand me. Me and I had a couple of boyfriends, but that was so long ago, so that's not been part of my life. But I like it to be with the right man, yes, with the one that's not gonna. No, that BTDT, been there, done that, don't need it. No, I mean I would love it. I'm a he, she, heterosexual woman and all my. You know I'm healthy. Okay, love it. I'm a he-she heterosexual woman. You know I'm healthy. Okay, that's all I'm going to say on that. Don't get old. No, no, this whole thing. You don't have to get old, you can't. Look, I'm going through stuff because my little sister I say my little sister because I'm born almost two years before her she would be specific You're in eight months. She is right now. Okay, I, my feelings are right here. Okay, she is right now in a long-term healing facility. No, long-term care facility.

Audry Arbe:

Let me just without naming names, because members of the family wanted me to go there fairly right away. I didn't have the money. Okay, I'm in Costa Rica. Some volunteered to actually give me the plane fare, which would have been so helpful. I am in Costa Rica in case you're wondering, which you probably are, because most people ask Because financially, for me it just got to be too much of a hassle and I had just turned 80.

Audry Arbe:

I was told the owner where I was renting was going to sell the place. I'd have plenty of time to move Part of the rents go high, and I was in Florida. In New York they go higher. And so I realized, because I tune in, I do what I do, that this was also letting me know. Well, you never wanted to stay here your whole life anyway. Guess what, this is your time to make choices. Anyway, I was saying okay. So my sister, thank you, thank you, thank you. So members of the family wanted me to just leave and I needed money and they would have paid that. But I said I need money, I don't have it, how would we work that out? And I did say anyone who donates I do have a GoFundMe do understand that. I am definitely going to see my sister. I love her. She and I may have been like this sometimes and we were okay and we both knew and acknowledged we love each other.

Julie Hilsen:

Right, you need to stay with somebody. Get a hotel. It adds up quickly.

Audry Arbe:

That doesn't work okay. The idea was that's why I said I need money. I looked at that. I was angry because I have to acknowledge, I got angry, I got upset, I had a lot. When my sister this happened, I wasn't like oh no, I was angry. I had all kinds of feelings. So I go through them, I do not ignore them. That's part of why I look like this and I'm not falling apart on the ground.

Julie Hilsen:

Yeah, we talked about that. You've got to deal with these emotions or they just wear on your whole being. You have to work through them. As painful as it is, it's more painful to let them fester around your whole energy system, because they do hang out and then people get sick from it.

Audry Arbe:

And what she told me, what Yara told me, is when I said I got angry about something, she said why did you get angry? So I had to get quiet. I said I was protecting myself, I was defending myself, and then she said that's the part of you you need to love and make peace with.

Julie Hilsen:

Yeah, the big sister that thinks that she should be protective over her little sister, and that was your job.

Audry Arbe:


Julie Hilsen:

Right, like you're angry. Maybe you felt like you failed her, or you know you could have done something, because you know we make these packs as little children. We have no idea what it really means, but it sticks around and then we defend it.

Audry Arbe:

I was angry about something else, the real. I knew for a few years before this that things weren't going well. I mean, I'm a psychic folks. Okay, I'm a healer. There are things I know and things I don't know. I'm not saying I know everything. You didn't hear that. I said there are things I know and things I feel and sense. And do I address that implicitly when it's clear implicitly?

Audry Arbe:

So I knew something was wrong and I would tell her. And I would do my best not to tell her but to ask. But sometimes I was telling her what about this? Do you have this? I asked if she had a certain blah, blah, blah. She said no, it ends up she did. I asked about a few things. This doesn't seem to be working. No, I'm fine. And sometimes she'd yell at me, which is never I don't like that. Okay, to yell at me, not a good idea. And so when all this stuff happened, my sister had a heart attack and a bunch of stuff. She had brain surgery for an aneurysm, she had open heart surgery, she had an angiogram, she's in a ventilator and she had what do?

Julie Hilsen:

you call that tracheostomy. So she's got a breathing tube, so this scared the hell out of me, and she can't talk when you have one of those tubes in, so how did you even communicate with her? That's like Right, and you need to go on your terms and you don't want to feel.

Audry Arbe:

See, that's it. I'd been telling stuff to my sister. She didn't want to listen, possibly because I'm the older sister, but her kids had been saying she won't listen. Okay, so part of me and this is as real as I can the oldest sister, but her kids had been sanctioned. Well, listen, okay. So part of me and this is as real as I can be folks did not want to take from my lifetime. I've worked hard. Okay, I'm not, you know, I'm an artist, I'm a healer, I write books, I have courses, but that's work, people, okay, and it's all different kind of work.

Audry Arbe:

And at a certain point I was tired, needed to just, but I did not want to. I had to deal with the anger because there was no way I was going to and the way I saw it. Then sacrifice myself to someone that didn't listen to stuff that I said and I should leave where I, the way I saw it. Then sacrifice myself for someone that didn't listen to stuff that I said, and I should leave where I am, where I love it, and possibly during my birthday month. I did not want to do that, so I said I would stay here July and then I do that and then. So now, let's just say energy is a little confused at the moment and hopefully, when this is released, energy. So I'll say it is now clearing up and loving and fine, with that intention.

Audry Arbe:

But me that who does live a loving life, who does care about stuff Me personally I need to be asked, I need to be discussed with, I need to have clear communication, which our communication was not clear. They were exhausted beyond words. Beyond words, doing stuff that like is like OMG, my God. Beyond words, doing stuff that is like oh, gee, my God. And whatever spiritual path I have mine, they have theirs. So I don't know what they did or didn't do or how they do it. I know what I do.

Audry Arbe:

I even think in one case, when I was sending healing to my sister, I got filled with such anger I'm an empath and sometimes it's really strong, okay and so I didn't know if I was getting her anger or something was going on at the planet at the time to the point that I couldn't transmute it. I saw a little Reiki master came here and worked on me and the anger went, but I had the sadness. So, folks, no matter what's going on in your life, really clear up communication. What I am doing now is clearing up inside of me what I got annoyed with and what's unfinished, because I've already done some of the work, because I do that and complete that, and when I feel the energy is open for whenever, whichever family members and I have a big family I will either reach out or my energy will shift in such a way they will call me. Can that happen? Yes, this is all vibration, energy, intention and higher purpose, not just ego.

Julie Hilsen:

It has to go. Yes, I'm just sending so much love and compassion to the whole situation because it's hard. It's hard dealing with family, and then there's assumptions and expectations. And you're right, you had to call your shots and it has to come from a loving place, otherwise, my result was I would like money to come into my GoFundMe.

Audry Arbe:

Okay, and I still do. The GoFundMe is gofundme. Me flash 3 D not 4.

Julie Hilsen:

3 AD, 49383, okay and I'll put it in the show notes too.

Audry Arbe:


Julie Hilsen:

So I'm trying.

Audry Arbe:

I have finally come to. I really want to go there because I love I have finally come to that because I had other. I mean I wanted to help, but it's like I have finally come to them Because I had other. I mean I wanted to help, but it's like I really do want to help them. So there has to be respect for these boundaries and stuff like that and yours and this one.

Audry Arbe:

But it said first I had to really come from spirit. I said, okay, that I had to come totally from spirit, from the high place, without whatever might happen in what we're doing in the most loving way. So is that creating me going up a few notches in the multiverse in me? And yes, it is, yes, it is. You want to be in higher places, to speak in the multiverse. You see, this is one technique you can feel, see, sense yourself there, make a little, you, if you want, and be there, and then you put yourself in it and be there and take it all in, let it totally fill you, and then you may have to pop back to what we might call the here and now. And the guides just gave me. So definitely do that and there are other things and talk with whomever's there, because a lot of people oh, look at this, they're showing me people are going to be popping in and out. Oh, my gosh, okay, so energetically, there will be, yeah, people flipping in and out in different energetic frequencies. And are we meant to? Yes, anyone who thinks I'm actually going to say this, anyone who thinks that humans have reached our pinnacle of what we are capable of, really, frankly, doesn't have a clue. We've barely begun and some are piddling around, and now and then, all of us might piddle around.

Audry Arbe:

I came to Costa Rica and I'm creating as I go, but I have a certain foundation and I have to well, I don't have to, but I choose to, for the moment, deal with that as I move forward and up and out. And can we change our reality? Yes, change your thoughts, change your reality. So now I'm changing my thoughts that I'm loving to go there. I'm going to love when I see my sister it's going to be such a tender moment, taking care of her for the time I'm there. Do I intend to devote my life to this? I do not, and whatever anyone may think of that, you are entitled to think that I will do everything I can, and if then it's to come back, I had, and if then it's to come back, I will follow the guidance. I like what I've got here and I'm still creating, so that's kind of Does that give you some pictures?

Julie Hilsen:

So when you're talking about lift that what you're talking about visualizing. Lift yourself the lifting technique.

Audry Arbe:

Let me teach it, okay. Okay, when I do all this. The lifting technique, let me teach it Okay. Okay, when I do all this. Jewelry comes off because energy, they bring energy. It's like they would be by my ears and I can't do it properly. Okay, so I'm going to lift my energies for a moment, and when I do that I can't talk because I'm doing a thing. But the listing assess, I learned from Patricia Hayes. Then it was the Patricia Hayes School of Innocence Development. Now it's a university in Georgia. So you can get back to me and I'll let you know, because they're amazing, they're really amazing.

Julie Hilsen:

Because you know I'm in Georgia. We didn't talk about that, but I'm in North Georgia.

Audry Arbe:

McKaysville is where they are, if I remember, okay.

Audry Arbe:

I'm not sure where that is, I'd have to look that up. Okay, but they're amazing, they're amazing. And so what you're going to do in the lifting process is, first, I'm going to send some energy to you, because I like doing that. If people don't want it, just say stay away. Yeah, okay For me, it. It just say stay away. Yeah, okay for me, it's, it's good, and so often energy.

Audry Arbe:

And then the three little phrases that you repeat quietly to yourself you don't have to now because I'll do it, but when I'm not here and you want to do it on your own, because anyone can do this, we're going to do a relatively short person. You could make it as long and as big and out as you want. Okay, we have a context here, so shorter. And the phrase you'll be saying I'm getting higher and higher, lighter and lighter, freer and freer, and you allow it, that's it. You can add more, because you know you can't, but that's it. You don't push, you don't force, you don't make it happen. You don't push, you don't force, you don't make it happen, you don't grab, you allow.

Audry Arbe:

Some people might say you surrender, not the kind of surrender like it's a battle. No, it's a surrender. I open to the glory of creation. I surrender to the great mystery of love, that kind of surrender and trust. So I'm going to close my eyes, take a few minutes to and then guide you. So feel comfortable. Take your shoes off Anyone who's wearing. If you're driving a car or you're driving a vehicle, you're using a knife or you're cutting a tomato or something, do that. Stay with that. That third dimensional thing Only do this when you can really let go and relax. Take off your shoes and sit back. But you can't do that, do this later, okay, listen and watch Julie again. Okay. So let me just let my energy I'm glad I remembered to say that Fill yourself with healing light.

Audry Arbe:

Simply ask Allow, breathe white light into your heart, hold and gently release, breathe in golden light into every space within your being. Hold and release, breathe silver light. Hold and release, re-silver, iridescent, protective, beautiful, mysterious To all aspects of you being Yourself. To get higher and higher, lighter and lighter, freer and lighter, freer and freer. You're getting higher and higher, lighter and lighter, freer and freer. You are safe, you are blessed, you are protected. You are blessed, you are protected. You are abundant and possible, getting higher. Leader. Breathe. You are filled with peace. You are filled with peace. You are living in a magnificent world because you are a magnificent being and you are allowing your magnificence to shine and activate, and activate as you get Right. Right, right Now, you can stay in this space.

Audry Arbe:

I'm going to leave you for a few moments. You can send healing energy to any aspect of yourself that you may choose or to anyone who may have given you permission to do so. Enjoy the vibration. It will be back. You'll hear my voice again. Meanwhile, enjoy this. Thank you. You, keeping your eyes closed, give thanks to this experience. Give thanks to whatever guides, beings maybe with you, to the earth, to yourself, to everyone, to everything. And as you feel ready, you may slowly begin to wiggle your fingers and toes gently, slowly, easily. You may gently and softly move your hands on your wrists, your feet on your ankles. You may gently begin to move your body, possibly slowly sway, if you choose. And when you feel ready, when you're sitting comfortably, as you place your head upright on your neck, comfortably facing forward, you may slowly, gently and easily begin to open. You're ready to speak. How are you, how do you feel?

Julie Hilsen:

Dear Audrey, I am really happy you gave me the best birthday present. It's so tender, so amazing and it's uplifting. I feel lighter. I want to go weigh myself. I really do.

Audry Arbe:

This is a process to practice every day. I do it every day, sometimes short, short, sometimes longer, but some form every day, and I tell all my clients that I've taught this to. I'm telling everyone do it every day, don't wait till there's an emergency. This is something you could use, say at work. If you have an important presentation, you do it beforehand. You can do it in the bathroom, do it wherever you want to do it. Close your office door. If you have an office, get yourself in a higher space. Do this. So it's natural. When people do this regularly, they become much more peaceful.

Julie Hilsen:

That becomes without all this set. Yeah, I just feel like even my face just feels relaxed. I just feel like chill and clarity. I don't know if anyone else. If anyone else has the experience, please put. Has the you know experience, please put in the comments on YouTube, like right right in the comments. And even if you're listening on different platforms, so Spotify lets you comment. So, yeah, I'd love to hear how this hit the audience. I mean, this is and this is affecting the mass collective, because how you show up matters. It's not. This isn't a waste of time, this is divinity working through you and for you. So thank you, dear sister.

Audry Arbe:

Thank you, sister. And this is also not only being. It's creating and being part of the multiverse. People have been talking about the new earth. I'm sure many of the people who are your audience have heard this about the new earth. I'm sure many of the people who are your audience have heard this. The new earth, this is creating and being it. I'm not one of the people that think the earth is going to split. We create the vibrational energy and some people think, as we quote unquote ascend, we leave our bodies. I don't think that I think we shift the vibration of our bodies and our bodies. I don't think that I think we shift the vibration of our bodies and our bodies and us while we're in physical form, of whatever kind. It's part of it.

Julie Hilsen:

It's part of it. Yeah, and so that you did want to touch on perspective and your lens. And this is a great way to upshift your perspective, because when you come with this peace and clarity in yourself, this lightness that it can't help but affect the way you're viewing other people and your compassion for any situation, it's a very powerful sounding block. You know you're leveling up, you're changing your reality you know you're leveling up, you're changing your reality.

Audry Arbe:

Imagine that we can vision this and literally can start with us or never. Pam gregory at um. I think it's 7 pm english time, I think it's noon, because I'm costa rica. Costa rica time. Figure out whenever it is For 15 minutes. Nobody's running anything, nobody's saying anything, but 15 minutes. Meditate, send love, up-level your energy. It's happening everywhere on the planet. I've begun doing it also wherever I might be Now, and then I forget, but by the time I say, oh wait, it's time. I could be walking, I could be at the feria, that's the farmer's market, whatever it is that I might learn in life, costa Rica, whatever I might be doing at that time, and do that, uplevel the energy, because we are the ones that make the change, all of us, we are. What is it? It was a comic strip years ago called pogo, and he said one of them we are the ones we have been waiting for we are, yes, and you did say that you're remembering.

Julie Hilsen:

You said that earlier and it hit me. I'm like, yes, we're remembering, remembering these parts of ourselves, these abilities that have been, for whatever, whatever reason, clouded or submerged. We're asking, and when you're open to being at a higher vibration, you're open to say I'm ready to receive this, change it, please. If you're at all curious, I mean, try listen to that again. You know, work through it's. It's uh, three minutes maybe, and it can change everything. It's just amazing. I even think I meditated, I played my crystal bowls today. I was like I'm, I'm in such a good spiritual space and then you just took me somewhere else. So it's like, like you said, it's no waste of time, my goodness, so cool.

Audry Arbe:

I'm going to say this because people get many people not everyone surprised when they ask, well, what's your age? And I say, well, by the time everyone sees this, okay, I'll be 82. So right now, I'm 81. The minute I'm speaking, tomorrow, I'm 82. So, when you're seeing this, I'm 82.

Audry Arbe:

Okay, and I'm putting in my flower, okay, you don't have to totally fall apart, you don't. You do have to do maintenance. All of us, and we all have different DNA, we all have different karma. I'm going to say that right up, so nobody needs to say, well, I had this, I got that, I understand that. Good, okay or not, we have a say in it. Okay, love yourself, loving yourself is so important and I spell self, capital s, little s, e, l f soul, essence, self and ego, personality, self. We have to deal with both because while we're here, third dimensionally, both exist. You cannot, but you could. But I don't recommend it to get or ignore the soul, essence, self. That's our essence. Right when I saw the shiny light beings, my body was birthing, my daughter, me, this, your essence, your signature, and I believe that's why astrology works, because that's our imprint of when our soul entered.

Julie Hilsen:

So it's like this blueprint of it's, a guidebook. It's not. It doesn't have to be your destiny. It can manifest in different ways, but there there's so many times I'll go back to my chart and I'll be like, yep, that's very clear, that's very clear, oh, my goodness.

Julie Hilsen:

And then another thing that's on my heart to share is that I noticed that my breathing changed when I was doing that and I really want people to be aware that you have two sides of your nostrils and, throughout the day, breathe out of different sides depending on the type of day, what's going on, and you can open up these energy centers by breathing through one side and breathing through the other, and it helps to integrate and say, yes, I want to use all of my being right now, I want to show up 100%. I'm not going into, you know, energy, what would you say? A conservation mode or creative? And if you can start thinking about, are you breathing through one side or the other? I've been catching myself and I'm like, okay, and I noticed that it got even when I was, when I finished your lifting up meditation, the lifting process. So raise your awareness of your breath, because that oxygen is essential, just like you said, your water. You got your water figured out. You need your oxygen and you need your water and don't minimize any of that. And you need your mental clarity. Without that you're blind sort of bumping into walls.

Audry Arbe:

Yeah, and this thing with breathing. If you want a really good technique, there's a yoga technique called alternate nostril breathing which teaches you a way to do alternate nostril breathing.

Julie Hilsen:

Right and just make sure you have a tissue and blow your nose before you start.

Audry Arbe:

That's okay. Biological necessities Too important? Well, yeah, all of us. By the way, I'm sharing what I've shared because if we don't accept some people call it the shadow side there's all kinds of terms. I'll just use that for the moment. If we any of us who truly choose to change our frequency, accept who we are, evolve and all this and see what we can become, because we are in the process okay, that's part of us.

Audry Arbe:

I just, and then ran away from it. And am I proud of all this? It's just there. And am I proud of all this? It's just there. And am I healing at all? You can be sure of it. You can be sure of it. Will my family be loving me? Yes, and how do I know that? Not just because I'm a psychic. I know that because I have huge intention for this, because I love these people, because I know what they say. Love me, because I will do and I'm doing the healing work on myself and through them, because I know how to do that. And so can you. By the way, I see clients. I can be in Costa Rica and meet you anywhere. Call me US SIM card so you can call me. It's a local call from the United States. Just so you know this US SIM card so you can call me. It's a local call from the United States, just so you know this. And yes, I am old-fashioned enough to actually take calls on my telephone, yes, and your website's, audrey.

Julie Hilsen:

Now, audrey, with an E, a-u-t-r-y-e, u-t-r-y-e-n-o-w.

Audry Arbe:

Am I in? Audrey Now my website? Audrey Now A-U-D-R-Y-E-N-O-W. Am I hearing Audrey now my website? Audrey now A-U-D-R-Y-E-N-O-W, or at what's it?

Julie Hilsen:

Gmailcom, nice Well thank you so much, so much. This has been just delightful Folks, love yourself, love yourself, love yourself so much.

Audry Arbe:

This has been just delightful Folks. Love yourself, love yourself, love yourself, love yourself. Do this breathing and, as you do it, send love. Call on love. You don't want to love ass. Call on kindness, call on gratitude, call on any of that. Allow it to be there. Thank you so much and happy birthday.

Julie Hilsen:

Happy birthday to you. So much to celebrate.