Life of Love with Julie Hilsen

Game Ends for Fear How to Create the Optimal Time-Line

Julie Hilsen Season 3 Episode 37

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Join us as we celebrate a truly special milestone - my 51st birthday - with the remarkable Sophia Torini, a visionary who has transitioned from the world of industrial medicine to a spiritually-centered perspective. You'll uncover transformative practices like Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and matrix re-imprinting, and gain insights from Sophia's experiences studying under Dr. Joe Dispenza. Learn how reshaping thoughts, emotions, and beliefs can profoundly alter your life, and discover the intriguing connections between telomeres, meditation, and longevity.

Our conversation goes beyond conventional wisdom, exploring the universal yearning for unity and abundance. We reveal how fear and division are merely illusions that hold us back from collective happiness. By focusing on the heart center and aligning with higher vibrations, you can shift your reality and experience life in a fundamentally positive way. We break down complex concepts such as timelines and the impact of consciousness on reality, supported by scientific experiments like the double slit experiment and entangled particles.

Dive into the empowering world of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) as we discuss how tapping into specific energy points can help release emotional baggage and promote personal growth. Through personal stories and expert insights, we illustrate the significant changes that can occur when committing to this healing journey. Finally, I take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to our listeners and subscribers, share my joy about an upcoming birthday dinner with my family, and extend warm regards to Sophia for her invaluable wisdom and friendship.

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Julie Hilsen:

of Life of Love with Julie Olson. Hello, dear friends, and welcome to another episode of Life of Love, where we gather every week to bring forth the expression of the best day that we can live. And you know, every day it looks a little different. So, however, your day is expressing itself. We honor, we honor the bumps, we honor the cruises, we honor the joy, we honor the pain. Every single part of it is so, so important, and I don't want to minimize anyone's hard times or even glean over anyone's wonderful times. I am so, I'm so happy to be here on this planet with everyone right now, and it's my birthday, so I'm in a special birthday mood and just I played with my crystal singing bowls this morning and I posted the video on YouTube already because I was so excited about it. So, yes, so welcome to Life of Love. Thanks for tuning in again, and we are.

Julie Hilsen:

We have a very elegant, graceful, accomplished guest today, Sophia Torini, and I'm just so honored to have her. I've been looking forward to this and you guys stick around to the end. She has so many pearls of wisdom and we're going to get weird. We're going to talk about some stuff that might like blow your mind a little bit. But that's what we're here for. We're here to offer you know, insights and curiosities that might make you look at your life in a different way, give you a perspective that you know might make you look at your life in a different way, give you a perspective that you know maybe it'll be a changer, like a life changer, an epiphany moment that you're like, maybe I'll look at this through this lens and, who knows? I'm just excited. I'm excited to bring forth this message.

Julie Hilsen:

With Sophia, she's been a transformative catalyst in the realm of personal health and well-being. She was involved with industrial medicine is what I like to call it and she's broken away to more of a spiritual center. She is emotional freeing. It's called ES. Some people colloquially will call it tapping. It is amazing. You can't believe how well this works. I've been doing it for, I could say, almost 15 years. I never got trained but it changed the way I could react with my emotions. So I honor, I honor the practice of EFT and you know, check that out too. We're going to. We might glean on that, but EFT is great. And then she's also studied under Dr Joe Dispenza, which you know he's like a household name with spirituality and mindset and quantum consciousness. So, yeah, I'm really excited and without further ado, hello Sophia. Thanks for being on Life of Love.

Sophia Torrini:

Hi and thank you for the lovely intro and it's an honor to be on your show and share my experience with your audience. But, most important, I want to wish you happy birthday.

Julie Hilsen:

Oh, thank you. I'm honored to have you here as a guest. It goes both ways. And thank you for the birthday wishes. I'm excited I'm 51 today. Last year was like I'm halfway to 100. And now I'm like I'm closer. So fun.

Sophia Torrini:

This is not as old as we think anymore and actually we can grow our telomeres. So that's one of the research meditators. Their telomeres grow and it's your telomeres that basically predetermine how long you're going to live.

Julie Hilsen:

When you say telomeres, those are the ends of your chromosomes.

Sophia Torrini:

Yeah, I can't remember the exact number, but I think a week of meditation may extend a day or something. There is a number actually.

Julie Hilsen:

Wow, well, I've asked God to give me the time I need to get everything done that I want to get done and not be a spaz about working 24-7,. You know, because for me it's like balance I'm a generator, my human design is generator, so I'll go until I hit a wall and I'm like, well, that wasn't really productive, right? So it's a really fun, fun way to look at life. When you, when you ask for more time and you realize you can make more time by creating space for yourself, like taking that time for yourself, oh, my goodness, wow, I love how you hack reality and I wondered if you would share that. And I know we're going to talk about frequency, but what is a?

Sophia Torrini:

reality hacker Okay so let's first talk. What creates our reality? So our thought, emotions and deeds uh projects the reality, which is downloaded inside of a ring and we'd see it in front of it. Usually the reality is a delayed projection of our experiences. So when we have traumatic experiences or limiting beliefs, we believe our past is real and we keep on replaying those thoughts and we take our yesterday. You don't need a magic ball and you plaster it on tomorrow. So your tomorrow is a predictable future based on the past. Right, because you keep on replaying all of the stuff. But where are these memories stored? Well, they are stored between your neurons. So we know now, based from neuroscience, that it's between the neurons that hold this memory, but it's the emotion that's holding it stuck right. So if we release the emotion and we release the limiting belief, now you can go back in time, because there is no time right. All past, present and future is happening right now You've pruned let's say you're not playing that story and you keep on every day pruning that synaptic connection between the two neurons. Now you can rewrite a new memory and a new story. So that's how you hack reality.

Sophia Torrini:

The traditional name in EFT is called matrix re-imprinting. I got trained from someone who's more advanced and has taken it further, so he could not use the same name, and he calls it hacking reality. So what I can say from my experience, now that I've been doing it for a while, some of my memories are disappearing from childhood and now it's my opportunity to replace them. So certain bad memories well, it wasn't as bad. Maybe it doesn't even have to be that way, do I really need to remember it that way? And they're somehow fading away, because what was holding it was the emotional charge that was never processed and, of course, the story or the belief that came with it.

Sophia Torrini:

So if you keep on now putting new memories in your mind consciously and rewriting them, and how do we rewrite them? We can't just visualize them, we need emotion. That's what holds it inside the body, which is why the emotion is so important. Now you can project a new reality and then eventually that gets wiped out. It's like upgrading your software. Right, you upgrade the file, uh, you saved your new file. Where's the old file? It's gone. You don't remember what you wrote a month ago. If you rewrote it 20 times, you may have a glimpsed memory at some point. This is the new story.

Julie Hilsen:

Yeah, well, it does make sort of sense, because when five people can be in a situation, all five people can have a different accounting of what exactly happened. So that makes sense that your memories are tied to the emotion, because that's how you're focusing your perspective. Wow. So I guess I want to ask if you can replace, like, whatever emotion that is holding you back, that's blocking you from your abundance, that's blocking you from living the life you want to live. You can replace it with another emotion, for, like love, there's a caveat.

Sophia Torrini:

So when there's a traumatic memory, the memory, so you remember the old strips where they would have a reel and it was picture frame, picture frame, picture frame, right? So when we process our emotions correctly, there's picture frame, picture frame, picture frame. When there's a trauma, all the emotions and the time stamping of that little strip is not done correctly On your own. You cannot just replace it like that. What is emotion? Emotion is energy in motion, and what is energy? Information. So if the information is not read and processed, then you cannot replace it. But what we can do feel the emotion, process, the story, let it go. Once you've let it go now, you can replace it with love. Does that make sense? Because energy can never be created or destroyed, it can only be transmuted.

Sophia Torrini:

So where are the stuff held? One, a copy, is held in the brain, but a second copy is held in the cells of your body, because the body is the subconscious mind and that's where Chinese medicine helps us and says well, the liver holds anger, the kidneys hold fear, so it has to leave the body by you feeling it, and it doesn't have to be days or years just processing it. Usually energy goes up or it goes down and once it leaves, now you can put in the new picture with the positive memory. So you're using visualization. Or when you use the word, I would use the word imagining, because people get stuck with visualize, imagining with emotion, with an elevated emotion.

Sophia Torrini:

And now, yes, we can do exactly what you said, but let's take it even further, right? So the traumatized person. If we're living in the multiverse for major decisions, I do not believe, for every single decision there's another you, because there's conservation of the reality, but for major decisions there's another you. So, if there's another you, there's a better version of you that's in a higher vibrational universe. So you, when you align to it, you can move to that you. So once you let go what was holding you in this reality, which was limitation, because of your emotions, thoughts and deeds, yes, you can go and live in the other Wow thoughts and deeds.

Julie Hilsen:

Yes, you can go and live in the other, wow. So to me, I'm picturing, like all these different me's and I have free will so I can make a choice that doesn't serve me, that might have consequences that I don't like, I could halfway make a choice and let the momentum of my life around me do it, and I'm simplifying this. Or I can make the highest good choice and be with that divine princess who just is graceful and walks on water and can't always be that person right, but she's there and it's an empowered choice to connect with those different. And we've talked about this on Life of Love before, how there's different, we have different personalities. We have the child, the maiden, we have the seductress and we have the crone who's wise.

Julie Hilsen:

And to me those are different timeline shifts and these are different dimensions that we can access and it's all free will. It's just how you going to use that little space, like you said, between your neurons, that little synopsis between your, your emotions, your thoughts and your words and your deeds, to choose what serves you best and then, when you, when you choose what serves you best, everybody else can be elevated. So it's like to me that's the new earth is everyone consistently choosing their best, highest good, not in selfishness, but in they just want to show up as their best self.

Sophia Torrini:

And then a collective group of observers create reality. So we're not changing this reality. We're actually going to move to a reality that's better, and eventually we don't see that. Right now, if you remember who you are, you're having your own reality and you're seeing what's playing out there, but it's not affecting you Eventually, assuming you've maintained the higher vibration and you know who you are, that you are spirit or divine spark having a human experience. If enough of us keep on focusing on what we want to create, that movie out there is not going to longer be seen anymore. That's when the split is going to happen. Now we don't have an exact time frame. Some people speculate it could be 26, 27. I don't know when it's going to be Personally, I'm aiming for about 27 myself and so we won't see that it's going to fall off. So now we're seeing both realities, but we won't be seeing both realities because our goal is to bring heaven on earth. That's basically what we're trying to do, where we were actually had hell on earth.

Julie Hilsen:

Right, all this stuff we've been through has been a huge detox. I mean, even think about the solar flares. The sun is trying to upgrade us. We're going through these really intense times with fires and floods, and mother earth is screaming out to us and and these things are all happening because there's a huge cleanse of negativity and it's it's you know, you can spin it out of fear, you can spin it out of well, these are changes. We're illuminating things. We're illuminating things in our society that nobody likes, like we're not putting up with this violence anymore, like nobody's associating with these acts of violence and division.

Julie Hilsen:

And I have never seen so many times on my social media feed how people on both sides are saying we're tired of the division. We just you know cause. Everybody just wants to live an abundant happy. They want to be around their family, they want to have money to go on vacation. Nobody wants to be super rich and an elitist. Everyone just wants to live a nice life. And we can all do that. We can all do that if people aren't trying to control and put an overlay of fear in this illusion of separation. So I shout out from the rooftops please don't be scared, please don't get stuck in that because you're going to create that reality around you. It's like you're going to your. Your brain will look for what you want to see, absolutely absolutely, and the 3d game is ending.

Sophia Torrini:

we've collectively decided that it ended. So how? The 3D game is still working, which is why you see what's happening out there. So the 3D game feeds off your first three energy centers, which is anger, fear, shame, whatever, like the monster ink, was it? That was the movie.

Julie Hilsen:

Oh yeah, when they got their energy from the scream machine, that's correct.

Sophia Torrini:

Yes, they're doing the same. So what's perpetuating the reality is people who are agreeing unconsciously, because they're not doing it consciously to be angry or in fear. Our reality is self-generated through the heart center, so love self-generated through the heart center. So love self-generates and eventually the less people that are aligning with that it's gonna lose its power because it needs an external source, where the 5D game does not need an external source.

Julie Hilsen:

I love this so much. I love it so much. I'm just holding space for that and I have found myself telling people don't be scared. We've been through so much. Don't be scared. Things are happening. We're going through changes. Please don't have fear, it's going to be okay. It's so good. It's so good. Well, I know that we have a few more minutes. Another thing and you were talking about well, the whole frequency thing. That's how you change your reality.

Sophia Torrini:

Let's talk about timelines, okay? So a lot of people have challenges. And let's assume the health challenge, right? So someone's suffering from an illness and the body is deteriorating and somehow we've been programmed that we need to fix this body. We're actually not fixing this body, because the body is a projection of your thoughts, emotions and deeds right? So that's what it is. It's projected from your consciousness. When your consciousness changes, you shift, like a TV channel. You were watching SVU and you decided you're going to watch comedy. Now you changed the channel. Svu is still going on, so the ill body is going to continue going on, but you shifted to the comedy channel where there's a version of you, or I would say the higher vibrational channel. Right, a higher vibrational you that has a healthier body. So your consciousness occupies that body. So this body never ceases to exist, it's just your consciousness is not living.

Sophia Torrini:

So the way we know that is based on two experiments. The first experiment I'm going to make it very fast and simple and both of them got the Nobel Prize. The first one was the double slit experiment. So they took a slit and there was a wall behind and they shot particles the first time, like real material walls. What do you get? You get two lines, of course, because it's matter. Uh, you shoot with a gun, little balls, you're going to get too dense on the other side, because that's what matter does. But then they took photonic light, laser gun that produces photonic light. And who are you? You're made out of photonic light. That's who you are yourself, that's what your consciousness is before it comes in this reality. So they take the laser gun and they shoot photonic, these photonic beams.

Sophia Torrini:

Well, they thought they were going to get two lines, but they never got two lines, they got multiple lines, infinite possibility. It's called the wave function. So all the possibilities were there. So it wasn't two lines, it were two slits, infinite possibilities. Now they decided to put a camera the moment they put the camera. Or you could put a cat, you could put a dog, the moment there's an observer or you watching when you shoot the photonic light. Now you get two lines. So you actually collapsed it into matter. So your infinite possibilities, your realm of any possibility that you wanted in the world, the moment your consciousness focuses on it with a limiting belief, it's going to collapse. It to that option, right. But if you keep on the expansion of the feeling of joy. You're going to have infinite possibilities, because that's what your consciousness is going to attract.

Sophia Torrini:

Now let's discuss the second one, which was mind-boggling. So they found a way by using entangled particles. And I don't want to complicate what entangled particles are, but basically, what one particle does, the other one does. So you know, if this spins that way, the other one's going to spin the same way. They're copycatters, right? So you know what they're doing, because the whole key here is not to observe, because the moment you observe you collapse the wave function. So they set this complicated example with several mirrors and they traced where the photonic, the laser gun, those particles went. And I'm just going to make it simple there were four obstacles, four mirror sets, and they observed it went, went, infinite possibilities, which means many lines, infinite possibilities, infinite possibilities. That went to the fourth one, because it's not being recorded, and then they decided the last mirror station to record it. So the moment it got recorded, went back in time and changed the outcome to the two lines, the two lines, the two lines. So you collapse the wave function.

Sophia Torrini:

So when is the past created? Your past is created right now. You think your past was created in the past, but it wasn't created in the past. That's what you think in your head. So every moment, if you keep on deleting your past and not remembering and you you just say I arrived here today you will eventually disassociate and disconnect from the past. But if you keep on bringing your past into your awareness, you're going to keep on creating the past. So the moment of observation is when your future is created and your past is created. Your past was not created in the past. I know people have a hard time with it, but that's what quantum physics experiments prove. Wow.

Julie Hilsen:

And it seems like this should be like shouted from the rooftops, Like everybody should know about this. I mean, the observer effect is so powerful because your consciousness takes the infinite possibilities and says, yep, it's this and it's so, it's limiting. That's what. That's why it's a limiting belief. It's limited by what you believe it should be.

Sophia Torrini:

Well, this reality is how much can you limit yourself? It's the avatar that we put on that we limit, because there's two of you. There's Cain inside of you and Abel, ida and Pingala. So Cain has so much limitation, he wants to kill his brother, right, and so the Cain can't do anything, but Abel is willing to do everything. And so when the two harmonize in your brain because that's eventually where the energies align right, your 33 years of Jesus are your 33 spinal bones. That's what the 33 years are, ascending up the frequency inside to your brain. When they meet now, you eventually remember who you are. Those are the 33 years of Jesus. It wasn't 33 years in life, actually.

Julie Hilsen:

Because we're all one, every single thing is part of us and you know that's a huge thing because so many doctrines preach that. You know that you have shame and there's all these things. But as soon as you realize that everything is a part of you, every evil thing is a part of you, every good thing, we're here to experience the relativity. There was one energy that created it all. Yeah, god doesn't make mistakes and I always say that there's no mistakes. You can make choices and people can do things that have consequences you don't like, but it's not a mistake. It was something that needed to be worked through at some level, and grace and compassion to things that you can't wrap your head around because that's the way to shift the timeline is to not judge and shame, to say, wow, that was a tough choice, that you know, that was a rough one to work through, but God doesn't put us in these things randomly.

Julie Hilsen:

Everything is part of this. Like you said, this avatar, this experience that we're having, how freeing to not be responsible for it all, to say I'm just going to look at it the way I want to look at it, and it's not Pollyanna, it's empowering. I wonder how many letters are in the common letters between empower and Pollyanna. I'm going to have to write it out. I love the way they sound the same. I just keep clicked in my head how close they are. I love puns, but oh my goodness, sophia, it's just those two experiments. They got awards and if people want to look at them more closely, what are the names of them?

Sophia Torrini:

again, One is the Double Slit Experiment and the other one is the Double Slit Quantum Eraser and they both got the Nobel Prize. I think one was done in 99. I can't remember the year of the other one and no matter how many times they repeat it, they always get the same result, always get the same. And they're wonderful and they are explained on YouTube, so they're very well done. I've also written two blogs about them on my website so they can find them on my website under tapintoyourbestselfcom forward slash blog and then they can find the double slit experiment explained and I think I have the eraser. I also have the seven seen mirrors, which are the mirrors of the reality. So if they want to know rules of the reality, have some articles or blogs.

Julie Hilsen:

I should say that explain that, and do those parallel anything with the universal laws?

Sophia Torrini:

That is the hermetic principles. I do have an article on the seven Hermetic Principles, okay.

Julie Hilsen:

I love that. I remember looking that up one time Someone just said it in passing. I was like universal laws, what?

Sophia Torrini:

is that it's just so odd. Yes, I have the seven. There are actually 11 universal laws, but I do the seven based on the book Caballion. So, yes, and then you have the mirrors, right, nice. So the mirrors is what the reality is created because we are in our own unique, by ourselves verse. So everybody else is a projection of you. Neville Goddard, who was a famous mystic, said everybody is yourself pushed out. Right. So you're seeing everybody on your own filter, because every person's divine self is perfect. But we're seeing them limited because we're in this experience. So we couldn't have this experience if everybody was perfect, we couldn't have had duality. So we're seeing them on our filter. But when you go and look at the old sages and the Buddha, when they eventually evolved and they enlightened, they see everyone perfect.

Julie Hilsen:

Yeah, and it's interesting, the ancient wisdom traditions, the Kabbalah, the mystical Muslim tradition, the I Ching, and I don't know all of them, but when you get to the mysticism there's so many commonalities and those sects became taboo or not mainstream. But to me that's where all the magic and the empowerment is, in those wisdom traditions and I'm just excited to see them come forward again. And you know the secrets of the ancient Egyptian temples and the power store and you know just the idea that there's a burn mark up the center shaft of one of the pyramids. I'm like, well, that had to be some kind of energy center, you know, but nobody talks about it. Well, not mainstream talks about it. I found some YouTube videos about it.

Sophia Torrini:

There were ascension centers, but all of it is coming back now. Yay, because we're raising our frequency. It was the fall of our frequency that we lost the information. We're going back up, so we're going up the spiral and so the information is going to come back up. There's no way, other way to go.

Julie Hilsen:

Well, thank you for sharing your journey with us. This has been a really, really enlightening conversation and so many tidbits to you know, little breadcrumbs to look at and I love, I just loved what came forward. Thank you so much. Well, thank you for the invitation. Anytime, I feel like we only got to the surface of this.

Sophia Torrini:

that's okay well what I want to leave your audience that no matter what is plaguing, whether it's an experience or a health challenge or a situation, there's another reality where the problem does not exist and the way to tackle it is not. I know a lot of people love rituals, uh, but it's not by ritual. There's nothing wrong with rituals, but emotions have to be processed. You know the body keeps the score, so emotions are there to be felt. So if they can feel and release the limiting emotions, let go of the limiting belief, that's where he does miracles. And then hacking reality. Now they can create the reality they want by using the mental image of what it is that they want, with the new emotion that you mentioned before love, happiness, joy, relief. And so I want the audience to know where your people are. They don't have to watch someone else's movie anymore because up till this point we've been in someone else's reality. It wasn't ours.

Julie Hilsen:

So the way to get to your reality, your best self, is to process the things you've gone through. And no one can tell you what that is. And I can tell you from personal experience the tapping you'll tap on, something like, even though my feelings are hurt because I wasn't invited to the movies with my friends, I completely love and accept myself. And then you're like I'm feeling, I'm feeling isolated, I've you know. And then you realize, as you tap through these energy points, you realize that it wasn't that they didn't call you. It's that, you know, this reminded you of when, you know, your mom forgot to pick you up from the playground or from from soccer practice, or or when your, your brother locked you in the closet. And like, all these things will start coming up and you get to keep tapping.

Julie Hilsen:

Even though I have abandonment issues, I love and accept myself and you're like you're just giving yourself space to feel all these things and time to process through them. But, yeah, if you can find someone to help you go through it, it's a beautiful practice and I still do it. You know, even though that person cut me off in traffic, I completely love and accept myself because I got, you know, frustrated with them or, you know, even though I feel like they didn't respect my lane, I completely love and accept myself. You can use that on anything. Even though my husband forgot to replace the toilet paper, I completely love and accept myself. You can use that on anything.

Sophia Torrini:

Even though my husband forgot to replace the toilet paper, I completely love and accept myself, because you know if you're being a victim with anything it make, because you brought an interesting comment. So all patterns started between the ages of one and seven and even if they're from another timeline, because the other time or your other lifetime is happening now. There was a trigger in this one, right so, and it can go up till the ages of 13 and that has a fractal and it keeps on replaying in your life. So what happens every day? We keep on replaying, with different characters, the same story that you happened. That time you got locked in the closet till you get resolved. So the universe, it keeps on bringing you experiences, not the same story with the same emotion.

Sophia Torrini:

Yes, you figured it out. So if you go back and clean up some of those traumatic memories, your future now has changed and you brought it. You brought it in very nicely. That's the purpose of EFT. The purpose of EFT is to alleviate some challenges in the now, but to go and find those imprints that you're actually carrying, probably from another timeline as well, and clear them once and for good. And they're gone and now you're free. So you did it very well done. You couldn't have phrased it better, and that's what I guide people to, that's my love and joy guiding them so they can do that.

Julie Hilsen:

Well, thank you, it's great work and but you know, I've tried to teach people who weren't ready and and they just look at you like what are you talking about? Like the messenger asked, I mean the. The teacher appears when the student is ready, right. So open up the idea that you can process through these things and you're worthwhile. It's time well spent. I mean, how many times do you do something that isn't time well spent? And if you can spend a few moments just exploring these things and releasing, I mean I feel like I've lost wrinkles. I mean I feel like I look younger than I did 10, 15 years ago because I've released these things and I don't worry about things that I used to worry about because I dealt with them and I'm not standing in a soapbox, I'm just telling people I've done the work.

Sophia Torrini:

You did lose the wrinkles. I'm not challenging that, actually because the low frequency deteriorates the body. The higher frequency regenerates the cells, so you replace the wrinkled cells that had the trauma with neutral cells and some with joy.

Julie Hilsen:

Well, I wish everyone a day filled with joy and I'm going to go have a birthday dinner with my family and I appreciate your time and everybody thanks for sharing and subscribing and being a part of Life, of Love. And Sophia, all the best, my dear, you're a dear sister.

Sophia Torrini:

Thank you very much and enjoy your evening. And thanks. An honor to be again on your show, thank you.